Monday, September 21, 2015

The Biblical Billionaire from Bozeman...

   Greg Gianforte wants to be our next Governor and he has several strange notions about why we will just fall all over ourselves vote for him.
   We applaud him for his success in the business world that reportedly earned him more than a billion dollars thus far.  It proves his business acumen must be top-notch and he should certainly be able to help a lot of other entrepreneurs in Montana.

   Which brings us to several important questions:  Why does he want to invade our Montana political picture with his "nutty religious ideas?" (such as the Earth is only 6,000 years old and retirement is not Biblical, so keep working until you drop.)  Why not stay in the business world and keep those dollars rolling in? Instead of buying yourself a public office, go buy some businesses.  Why do these mega-rich tycoons insist on showing us their business worthiness by buying themselves power and authority in the public sector? 

   Why do they think we Montanans simply sit around, salivating at the chance to be represented by "the rich" so they can heap more benefits on their rich friends while continuing to ignore and diminish the Middle and Lower Class?  Finally, why do they think we would let them take a  chunk of our taxes for public schools and give them to private, religious, and charter schools?

   Gianforte has a hidden agenda and it is  for us to find out why he is running for governor in our state - a state in which he is a relative newcomer.

   One answer comes to mind:  He can more easily buy his way into the governor's mansion where there are a handful of voters to buy, as opposed to New Jersey, for example.

   Or, said another way:  Does Gianforte fancy himself as the "Big Fish" in a "Small Pond"...of suckers?


Sunday, September 13, 2015

All Tied Up and No Place To Go...

Montana Republicans are in the middle of a real donnybrook, and you'll never guess with whom.

Other Republicans.

At the risk of sounding like a damaged CD in an endless loop, there is a nesting of strange, uncooperative "demon eggs" known as Right-Wing Conservatives who are scattered throughout Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley.  Folks know them by the names of Daines, Gianforte, Wittich, and other lesser such species who wander the halls of the Montana Legislature.

These unconventional Republicans - shall we call them "Brotherhood of the Brood" - have no qualms about making full frontal attacks on those someday expatriates they refer to as RINOs. (Republicans in name only)

You all know the stories about how the "normal" Republicans in the past two legislative sessions saw benefits for Montanans in bills that the bad eggs didn't.  As a result, they crossed over and voted with the Democrats to get them passed.

Not a good idea, said the "brood," and the chicken coop erupted into a horrendous free-for-all that is still going on.

The "Brotherhood of the Brood" senses a disinfection of the chicken coop is in order and are now suing for closed primaries to cleanse the Democrats who are voting in GOP Primaries to keep the bad eggs out of the General Elections.  If successful, only registered Republicans would be allowed to vote in their primaries.

The chicken poop is getting smellier by the minute.  And, as Democrats see it, the Republican infighting has become strictly a spectator sport.  The only thing to do is just stand back and enjoy.

Two questions do come to mind, however:  What has seeped into the drinking water in Bozeman, and is there an antidote?