Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Things that go "bump" on the Right

   It is tragically true.  We, as Americans, have met an enemy that some think is unbeatable.

   In recent years, the Republican Party hardliners have worked hard to position themselves for a political coup that their predecessors could only dream about.  With their party in control of the U.S. House and Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Oval Office, all of the pieces for the coup were in place, and needed only the nefarious bad actors in the personages of muckamucks such as  Speaker Ryan, Senate Majority Leader McConnell, and President Trump.

   This coup has one overwhelming goal, and that is to make sure Corporate America benefits in every way possible from the actions of this political regime.  As for average Americans - no so much.

   Tax cuts for the rich and super rich - to the tune of more than a trillion dollars - are doled out like candy with the false promise that it will "trickle down."  

   Adding insult to injury, they next announced that "entitlements" would have to be cut in order to pay for the unpaid tax cuts.  These include - among many others - Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  Those unimportant and pesky essentials for the "little people," so to speak.

   Rounding out the disgraceful handling of our government's affairs domestically and abroad, the president finds himself in big trouble with many over whether he won the election with foreign help (Russia, for one), his predilection for not telling the truth, and his very questionable choices for Cabinet positions.  And then, of course, there is accusations of his very murky past as a womanizer and an adulterer.

   If the president's problems aren't enough for America, most of the Republican Congressional muckamucks add their own poison to the brew by supporting him - hook, line, and sinker.  Thus far, they have refused to address any of the current problems that are facing our nation.

   It may be an over-reach for some of us, but I see this entire plot as dangerous as anything America has encountered since our civil war.  There are hate groups across our nation that seem to place their own selfish wants far above what is good for our country, and they appear to care less about whether they go down with the ship of state.  In short, they just don't give a damn about much of anything except causing chaos in America.  It does, however, give them plenty of exposure in front of national television cameras.

   But, good news may be ahead:  Election 2018!  We'll see, maybe a counter coup is in the making and the pendulum will swing back to sanity.  If you recognize such a movement.... JOIN IN!