Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Damn the Billionaires...Full Speed Ahead!

I was once told by an attorney that I would make a lousy defense witness because I appeared too pontifical while giving my answers during his pre-trial questioning.  He implied I was expressing my opinions in a pompous or dogmatic tone.
I had a different version, however.
I thought the entire law suit was turning into a charade and I was to become the "fall guy."  Enough about that.  It was complicated and boiled down to how-much-money-do-you-want, to-make-this-go-away?  I have a real dislike for settling arguments according to who can come up with the most money.
That also applies to elections.
Newspaper and television coverage of candidates begins and ends with one basic question:  Who has raised the most money?  We all know who has the money because we all know who has sold their soul to the millionaires and billionaires.  The Conservative-led (five to four) U. S. Supreme Court has also done their share of skewing the election outcomes by paving the way for big, rich old white guys to buy any election they choose.
That brings me around to the basic question that should be on every voter's mind.  It lays out the contradiction in our elections that does not confirm to any known straightforward thinking.  It is undeniably the most wrong-headed calculation by voters that I can think of today: Why do you vote for the one who has raked in the most money?
It is, of course, due to voter apathy and refusal by them to pay attention to facts.  In short,  we simply vote for the candidate who can afford to shove their name and image in front of us the most.  That, and their ability to shove their negative - and often erroneous - ads in our faces, as well.
The richest of them count on our folly.  They spend and we bend.
When will we decide to vote for a man or woman who will govern on our behalf instead of those who filled their coffers with untold amounts of money?
Is it possible to fool the money-moguls this one time?  Could we actually vote for the better candidates instead of the richest? 
Or are we all just sheep to the slaughter?

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