Monday, July 18, 2016

Neophytes and Numbskulls

Rep. Ryan Zinke had but one claim to fame:  retired Navy Seal.  But according
to his commanding officer, he got into trouble and was passed over for a promotion. 
 He thought Zinke was always looking for greater things.  
   If you, as a Montana Voter, pay attention to but one thing during this political season, make sure it is about "transferring Public Lands to States."
   We have three Republicans who are being manipulated by outside Conservative forces to make a land grab in Montana - and other states - for the purpose of subsequently handing it over to the billionaires and their corporate friends.
   Two of these neophytes (Zinke and Daines) have not finished their first term in office and the third (Gianforte) has yet to step foot in politics.   Gianforte, candidate for Governor;  Zinke, candidate for re-election to the U.S. House; and Daines, not through his first term as U.S. Senator are ready and willing to sell our pristine public lands to the highest bidders.
   The "brains" behind this evil endeavor prey on the GOP politicians still wet behind the ears and craving fame and fortune. 
   Stop for a moment and let this maneuver really sink in.  Why are they doing it?  What's in it for them?  How do you think this will impact your future visits to these sites if they are owned by the "rich and power" of America?
   Vote Zinke out of office.  He has delusions of political stardom and nary a care about Montanans.  (He asked to be Trump's Vice-President and when that didn't happen, he bowed out of being a Montana Delegate to the RNC Convention because he's no longer a Trump supporter.)  He's a "grand-stander" of the highest order.
   Vote Daines out of office when he runs for re-election.  He is a supporter of Trump and a rubber stamp for the Party.
   Finally, don't waste your vote on Gianforte.  He has flip-flopped on so many things you don't have any idea where he stands.  We do know he is a huge supporter of Charter and Private Schools and is out to rip our Public School System to shreds.  He has some very weird religious ideas, too. 
   Let's use some common sense when we vote this year. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

Hallelujah! There's A New Day Comin'

   We were all taught as children that there is a time and place for everything.  It seems evident, however, that too many of us have forgotten those few words of wisdom.
   Unless you have been living in a cave the past few years, you are aware - and many of you have participated in - the dysfunctional world of American Politics.  Heavy is the heart of any who may search for truth in that arsenic-laden atmosphere longer than a few minutes.
   Once upon a time, there were actual cases where a candidate could sway a voter from an opposing party to vote in his or her favor.  A simple eureka moment and the other party picked up a vote. 
   That was once upon a time, however.
   Now, we are duty bound to follow the path we have chosen, based on the political polarization that kidnapped our minds, paralyzed our reasoning process, and pointed us toward the everlasting political party of eternal truth.  And, we are 100% convinced that any who dare to question our party's rationale will burn in the red hot den of iniquity.
   But, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, we can expect one day soon to witness no further need for candidates campaigning and raising billions of dollars.  There will be two National Conventions.  They will choose who will be their nominee for each office.  We, as a nation, will bide our time and wait for the national election day.  Each voter will mark their "X" for their political party...and that will be that!
   From the National Conventions until November Election Day, there will be no campaigning, no name calling, no threats, no political ads to mute on television, and no angry arguments between people because everyone knows we are but one of two kinds:  Republicans or Democrats.  Candidates be damned!
   We will save our strength, vocal cords, and time on social media.  Oh, it will be a wondrous time.
   And we shall live happily ever after.