Saturday, September 21, 2019

The GOP's Titanic-Two is in the Ice Field...

    The Grand Old Party set sail with their President who was unsure of their course and unaware of the calamitous ice field ahead.  This neophyte captain was on his first such voyage and remarked to his crew, "Compass? I don't need no stinkin' compass!"
    And thus began the four-year voyage of insanity.
    From the moment they cast off, the narcissistic nincompoop in charge told the people on the shore his first whopper of a lie:  "We will have so many wins along the way that you will get sick of winning."
   And sick they got...but not of winning.

   According to the log of one of the crew, the nights got darker, the water got colder, and the icebergs became bigger.  They knew they were in troubled waters, but no one could explain it to the cantankerous captain.  His retort was always the same:  "I will see us through...I am a stable genius."

   But the mother of all icebergs was dead ahead.

   The captain was about to meet his match:  "Uncle" Joe Biden.  "Uncle" Joe is an exact opposite of our self-acclaimed "stable genius."  He is a calming force in the sea of turmoil.  He has tenacity, but he has respect.  He has years of experience and wisdom instead of feigned intelligence.  He has his country at heart, not his personal bank account.  He has a warm handshake for his allies and a stern warning for his adversaries.  And he has the support of the people at home.  He is the iceberg our "stable genius" does not want to tangle with.

    The captain is in over his head and floundering from one corrupt crisis to another.  His crew, in order to show support, is finding it necessary to swallowing more lies than sea water.

   Finally, the Biden-berg is dead ahead.  

   The crew of Titanic-Two has two choices:  Support their demented dimwit to the bitter end... or jump ship. 

    I'm betting most of them already have their life jackets in easy reach.

    As for the "stable genius," he'll tell the fake news he is just stopping to take on a little ice.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

You Can't Unring a Bell...

    Once you hear the lies, you can't unhear them.  You can look away, you can say you didn't hear them, you can refuse to admit you heard what everybody else heard...but you can't unhear them!
     That's the world the Trump supporters live in today.

    They are a curious lot.  I sometimes think I spend more time trying to understand how their thought process works than trying to figure how the mind of their "great omnipotent one" manages to mosey through each day.

    I understand these folks voted for him for a variety of reasons:  (1) he was a Republican, (2) he was not Hillary, (3) he was probably going to kick a lot of ass for submitting everyone to eight years of "rule by a man of color," (4) he talked tough about building a wall to keep out all of those "brown people" who are gangs of rapists and thugs, and (5) he was going to abolish all of those fool ideas that liberals have about abortions, gays, women, blacks, and anyone who doesn't think or look like him.

    You know, all of those "un-American things." 

    The emperor certainly has no clothes and he is certainly an admitted White Nationalist.  Many say he is also a White Supremacist.  A small difference when you are speaking of the President of the United States.

    But, back to these curious supporters.  They hear all of the lies he tells.  They hear about his beliefs that our constitution should be rewritten.  They, too, have trouble seeing him as the leader of the greatest democracy of all time.

    So why do they still follow this guy who believes he is a legend in his own mind?  

    Maybe...just maybe, because they don't know how to say they made a big, fat mistake.  Maybe because they are just hoping he'll "see the light" one day.

   Or, maybe they're just hoping he'll sprout wings and fly away.

    But I'm betting hell will freeze over and we'll all be selling Popsicles on street corners before they admit to anything.

    Remember this:  The bell has been rung.  The only way forward is straight through our legal system.  And don't count on the election to solve anything because the Russians are already working on that again.  Mueller gave Congress a road map to solve the problem.  Crimes have been committed and the evidence is in the hands of the prosecutors.  Hard, believable evidence. 

    It's just a matter of whether his followers want to accept the laws of our land...or their political rhetoric. 

    Right now, the Republicans are ignoring our constitution.




Thursday, September 5, 2019

"A Tarnished City on the Rocks"

Once a city filled with light,
Full of hope and shinning  bright.
Now decaying, dark and still;
No more shining from that hill.
    That "shinning city on a hill" President Reagan spoke of is but a dim and distant memory.
    America has lost her way.
Opinion by
John Watson
    We can blame Donald J. Trump for the backward tumble and careless loss of global prestige.  We can blame him for a fatal assault on our  credibility that equals any in recent memory.  We can blame him for why people in America and around the world no longer believe anything our government says or does.  And we can blame him for refusing to admit to himself and his countrymen that he is unfit to do the job.
   We can blame him for all of those things and more.  But we must ultimately blame ourselves for electing him, supporting him, and - most importantly - allowing him to continue as our supposed leader.
    Winston Churchill spoke of "England's darkest hour."  Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke of that "day of infamy."
   And one day someone will speak of "America's wayward and perverse travel into the dark side."
   Who will that statesman or stateswoman be that has the courage to stand up and lead the charge to set things right?  Who will speak for all who cares? 
   Who will ignore politics and speak only as an American?