Thursday, September 5, 2019

"A Tarnished City on the Rocks"

Once a city filled with light,
Full of hope and shinning  bright.
Now decaying, dark and still;
No more shining from that hill.
    That "shinning city on a hill" President Reagan spoke of is but a dim and distant memory.
    America has lost her way.
Opinion by
John Watson
    We can blame Donald J. Trump for the backward tumble and careless loss of global prestige.  We can blame him for a fatal assault on our  credibility that equals any in recent memory.  We can blame him for why people in America and around the world no longer believe anything our government says or does.  And we can blame him for refusing to admit to himself and his countrymen that he is unfit to do the job.
   We can blame him for all of those things and more.  But we must ultimately blame ourselves for electing him, supporting him, and - most importantly - allowing him to continue as our supposed leader.
    Winston Churchill spoke of "England's darkest hour."  Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke of that "day of infamy."
   And one day someone will speak of "America's wayward and perverse travel into the dark side."
   Who will that statesman or stateswoman be that has the courage to stand up and lead the charge to set things right?  Who will speak for all who cares? 
   Who will ignore politics and speak only as an American?

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