Sunday, January 28, 2024

Elsie screwed up OPI - Now she wants to screw-up bigger things!

 Don't Go Away Mad, Elsie. . . Just Go away!

We folks in Helena have fond memories of Elsie Arntzen's school bus stop sign mishaps. She, in her little red truck, jousted with the stop signs that protruded from the side of school busses like Don Quixote jousted with windmills! Elsie  will be soon leaving the Montana Office of Public Instruction and she is thinking about running for the office Matt Rosendale now holds  as the Eastern Montana Representative of the U.S. House of Representatives. 

As she prepares to drive her little red truck out of the OPI parking lot, she has aimed a parting shot at Montana Voters. Even though Montana has been kinder to her than she has been to them, her final words are:   "It's time to "unite behind Trump!"

Is Elsie really a MAGA Trump moll? Has she tip-toed over to the Trump "dark side?" Or, is she just putting on her big girl panties to earn some Trumpster Tokens for her upcoming political race?

Elsie, Elsie, Elsie. . . I guess we hardly knew ya. Or did we?

Good luck at the U.S. House run.  I believe it's gonna' be a crowded race and you're probably pretty far down on the MAGA listing. Montana has far more MAGA critters than there are offices to fill.


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

We Don't Have Much Time. . .

 . . . and Trump is still among us!

The evil that Trump does may haunt us until our dying days. Think of him as an insignificant mosquito crawling up the hind end of an elephant with rape on his mind.  His words and actions are un-American and unproductive and yet there are still fools who will  pay with their very souls just to follow him. 

The hour is getting late, indeed!

To fear a ruthless tyrant and his merry band of thugs is understandable, and to send him to the ash bin of history is mandatory.  Don't vote for him!

Why is this such a hard thing to learn?

Thursday, January 18, 2024

There's New Laws Comin' to Montana. . .

Just hold on there, partner. I've got some 'splainin' to do. You've got some crazy idea that I'm the Attorney General of Montana. Shucks, I'm just the Attorney General for the Montana Republican Party.

Our Party has a lot of work to do and we can't be worrying about every little problem that affects every little whiney-ass guy out there.  

We are working hard to stack the Montana Supreme Court with conservative folks. Then we need to come up with conservative ideas as we re-write the state constitution. We also have to get all of those Montana voters (who shouldn't be voting anyway) kicked off our new voter registration rolls. There is a heap of voter fraud in our great state and we aim to clean it up.

We've enlisted a pasel of out-of-state money guys to help us get things straightened up the "right" way here in the "Last Best Place."

Why, just think - Grandpa and grandma won't even recognize the place when we're done.

No more steaks over the open fire by a trout stream or mountain lake.  It'll be sushi and champagne at the good ol' rich boys gated mansion at the top of the mountain from here on out, stranger!

You folks jus' relax. . . we conservatives will make some new laws and I guarantee you'll love 'em!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Don't Forget Little Buddies, Electricity Can Kill You!
And With A 28% Rate Increase
It Can Kill Mom and Dad's Budget, Too!

 Message Brought To You By The PSC and Northwest Energy