Sunday, January 28, 2024

Elsie screwed up OPI - Now she wants to screw-up bigger things!

 Don't Go Away Mad, Elsie. . . Just Go away!

We folks in Helena have fond memories of Elsie Arntzen's school bus stop sign mishaps. She, in her little red truck, jousted with the stop signs that protruded from the side of school busses like Don Quixote jousted with windmills! Elsie  will be soon leaving the Montana Office of Public Instruction and she is thinking about running for the office Matt Rosendale now holds  as the Eastern Montana Representative of the U.S. House of Representatives. 

As she prepares to drive her little red truck out of the OPI parking lot, she has aimed a parting shot at Montana Voters. Even though Montana has been kinder to her than she has been to them, her final words are:   "It's time to "unite behind Trump!"

Is Elsie really a MAGA Trump moll? Has she tip-toed over to the Trump "dark side?" Or, is she just putting on her big girl panties to earn some Trumpster Tokens for her upcoming political race?

Elsie, Elsie, Elsie. . . I guess we hardly knew ya. Or did we?

Good luck at the U.S. House run.  I believe it's gonna' be a crowded race and you're probably pretty far down on the MAGA listing. Montana has far more MAGA critters than there are offices to fill.


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