Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My great-great-great-great-great grandma dined on dinosaur steaks and roasts

Remember this name:  GREG GIANFORTE

He is making serious noises like he might want to be Montana's next Governor and save us from all sorts of evil things.  Since he is a multi-billionaire and close friend to Montana Senator Steve Daines (a multi-millionaire) there just isn't anything about the average Montanan that he doesn't know how to fix.

For instance, he doesn't want anyone to retire.  He relies on the 'Good Book' for his thesis on why retirement is absolutely not necessary.  Noah, the biblical ark builder, never retired.  Moses never retired.  Abraham kept plugging away.  Methuselah lasted for hundreds of years without a rest.  So why do any of us think we need to kick back and enjoy the fruits of our labor?

You need to know that Gianforte believes the world has only been around for about 6,000 years (biblical lesson number one for all believers) and therefore man lived among all sorts of critters, including dinosaurs. Bwaaahahaha!  Well, no wonder those folks didn't retire.  They were fighting for food and drink while keeping a low profile and sharp eye out for T-Rex.  No time to retire there.

I'm assuming it's his new-fangled way of eliminating Social Security, like his Right-Wing brethren are poised to do. Probably no need for Medicare, either. I would assume few survived a dinosaur attack and needed medical aid.

Gianforte's wife, Susan, has some strange ideas, too.  Private and Charter Schools are big on her list.  But I digress.  Her exploits are for another blog.

A disclaimer is in order here:  I am an ever-practicing Christian, but I cannot tolerate those who insist on injecting religion - much less misinterrupted religion - into their politics just to garner votes from those misinformed Conservative Christians.  At least, I am assuming that he doesn't really believe that 'six-thousand-year-old earth' tall tale.  If he does, then we have even bigger problems.  Anyone that far out of whack doesn't have the good sense to be our governor.

We have enough big-money charlatans buying their way into elected offices already and it's going to take some time to get rid of them.

Just forget you heard about this one.

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