Bozeman Area's Incubator of Bad Eggs...

Sen. Daines caricature Credit Source: Creative Common

The conservative incubator in the Bozeman, Montana area has had its share of bad eggs. Their loud clucking has filled the halls of the Montana Legislature the past two sessions.  Art Wittich, Tom Burnett, Matthew Monforton, and Kelly White have been loudly squawking in the Montana House and Scott Sales and Gordon Vance have infiltrated the Montana Senate.  The question now is:  Will the Bozeman area voters return them to their Helena 'Coop' next time?  

The incubator has even  hatched one strange bird of prey (Senator Steve Daines) onto the national scene,  and now has another one under the warmer and already showing cracks in the shell of the hatchling who wants to be our governor.

His name is Greg Gianforte and he might even be more predatory and perplexing than the Senator.  He has stashed away much more money - billions, according to reports - while Daines is  sitting on a mere tens of millions.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

Senator Daines has already fibbed to his constituents with votes he has cast in the U.S. Senate.  He has  'turned tail' on several of his campaign promises and has only given his votes -  and loyalty -  to the rich and powerful.  (Birds of a feather, so to speak)

    We mere mortals are far down on his list of priorities.

Do we really want a mega-millionaire and a multi-billionaire representing us in the United States Senate and the Montana Governor's Office?

    Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Conservative
    Tea Party Fanatics?

So far, not the voters.


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