Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Montana: A rich man's Garden of Eden?

   Do we really have to be bulldozed by more campaign lies from a Republican Candidate?

   Mr. Greg Gianforte, the Bozeman Billionaire, is trying to convince Montana Voters that Governor Bullock has driven our state to the poor house.  He talks about higher paying jobs like they are just scattered on the ground and waiting for him - and only him - to pick up.

   We all need to look at some facts for a change.  Montana has thrived under our current governor's leadership and here are a few items Mr. Gianforte doesn't talk about: 

   *More people are working in the state of Montana than any other time in our state's history.

   *Personal income growth in Montana is sixth highest in America.

   *Montana is maintaining as the most fiscally-prudent state in America.

   Gianforte is rolling out the over-used phrases of his ultra-rich cohorts in the Republican Party.  While we can certainly welcome him to our beautiful state, we can also suggest he remain in the business community and do his own special magic for Bozeman and other Montana cities.  

   We don't need big money buying our state's highest office.  One reason, alone, is enough to turn me away from this man:  Gianforte and his ilk around the country are trying to get state legislatures to take public lands back from the federal government and then put those lands up for sale to the highest (billionaire) bidders , because they will - in due course -  explain that Montana cannot fiscally afford to maintain these lands.   It's already in the works, thanks to a Republican politician from Utah, who is working on Montana and other western states.

   America's wealthiest should enjoy their success, but they shouldn't be allowed to buy recreational dreams from the rest of us. Montanans don't like to be fenced out of land that was always meant for them to enjoy.  And it appears Mr. Gianforte and his friends just can't understand any part of that!

   No wonder he thinks the Earth is only six-thousand years old...he also thinks Montanans were born yesterday!



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