Montana must look like "easy pickings"

Greg "the fox" Gianforte
GOP Candidate for Montana Governor
   Evan Barrett of Butte has been a leader in Montana economic development, government, politics and education for more than 46 years.  Any time I read or hear his stance on a given subject, I know it'll be something I can hang my hat on - and you can, too.
   He sums up Republican and tea party politics this way:  "Their mantra includes phrases like 'government is the problem,' 'any business regulation is bad,' and we just need to 'trust the marketplace and the companies that inhabit it.' "
   Barrett is critical of GOP gubernatorial candidate Greg Gianforte's announcement that he would appoint someone from industry to head Montana's Department of Environmental Quality.   We are all very familiar with the term "fox guarding the hen house," but maybe Gianforte - being of New Jersey politics and not of Montana soil - thinks we sod-bustin', fence ridin' hayseeds don't understand the implications of that.
   Barrett is further quoted as saying,"I firmly believe Arco/British Petroleum would not have spent one red penny cleaning up the environmental mess (in Montana) had they not been forced to by law."
   We can now see the handwriting on the wall if Gianforte is elected governor because he is a true believer in:  Business regulations are the companies that inhabit the marketplace.
   We will see outrageous amounts of money from big corporations rolling into this election.  Gianforte's political package includes deregulation, state takeover of federal (public) lands for his mega-rich friends to buy, a rise in private and charter schools (through special tax breaks) to the detriment of our public school system, and any other pro-business ideas he will be paid to support. 
   Along with his flaky ideas about religion and he and his wife, Susan's, dangerous ideas about education,  we can't let him within fifty miles of Helena and the Governor's Mansion!
   Study this man carefully.  He represents wide-right fanatics and big business tycoons who have wrecked our state before.  Don't let him get anywhere close to Montana's hen house!


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