Monday, October 1, 2018

Who Can We Trust Anymore?

   Trust.  That one thing that weighs most heavily on our minds these days.
   This is how the Kavanaugh/Ford one-week FBI investigation is supposed to conclude:  The final report is handed over to President Trump, who is the client in this case.  He reviews the conclusion and then has the options of (1) revealing some, all, or none of it with the Republican Majority on the Senate Judiciary Committee, (2) revealing some, all, or none of it with the Democrat Minority on the said Committee, and/or (3) revealing some, all, or none of it with the American People. 
   I believe this is the way it has always been done. However, few can remember when an issue such as this ever came up. 
   I'm sure most of you remember when Sen. Lindsay Graham erupted in a hate-filled rage during the Kavanaugh Hearing about his thoughts on the "con job" the Democrats on the Committee were foisting upon the entire investigation.   Well, it turned out that one of GOP's own members, Sen. Flake of Arizona,  convinced the Committee that more investigating was necessary.  Since that outburst, Graham became rather meek and is now trying to show how conciliatory he can sometimes be.
   Many of us now have an issue with trust in the President to reveal the entire truth of the investigation.  Can we believe him to tell the truth about what the FBI's investigation reveals?  Will he tell his GOP members of the Committee what the investigation reveals? 

   We can all remember how GOP Rep. Nunes' Committee in the U.S. House became a huge debacle with a report that cherry-picked false information and ignored facts in order to do a hatchet job on the FBI and the AG.   He further issued a letter from his group that in no way coincided with the report from the minority members.  As a matter of fact, he was running back and forth to the White House to get his marching orders from the president.
   Will America ever be told the truth?
   From where I stand, the corrupt dealings in the U.S. House and Senate are hard for many to accept.   We are in a nation of "tribal warfare" and this Kavanaugh skirmish is but one of many battles.
   And then there are the 5,100+ fact checked lies from the President in the past two years.

   This Kavanaugh situation has squarely placed the "fox" in charge of the "hen house" while the public is left to scratch around the ground for "truth."

   With all due respect to Dr. Ford and her charges against Judge Kavanaugh, we Americans do have a much larger issue here:  We are at a point where we cannot trust much of anything coming out of our president and his political party!
   Truth is getting harder to find than hen's teeth.

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