Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Kellyanne's Mission Statement...

   "White House Alternative Facts" was the joke of the hour during the early days of the Trump Administration.  Little did we know it would be a harbinger of even worse to come.

   Let's just put the truth out there:  The newly elected president and his gaggle of "if I'm lyin', I'm dyin'"  nitwits have turned our White House into a fib factory the likes of which we have never seen   Currently, the president, alone, has filled the airways with more than 5,200 fact checked whoppers, and there appears to be no letting up.
   However, the real problem is more frightening than all of that.  Polls tell us the approval rating of the president is around 40%.  That means forty percent of America sees no problem with the White House lies!
   That is the most disgusting statistic that Americans should ever have to face. 
   Should we, God forbid, find ourselves at war, how could we rely on any communication from the White House?  How could we rely on a Republican Party telling us the truth?  (I remind you of the GOP lies about WM D's in Iraq that were used to attack that country, created a huge loss of our military's bravest and best, and thousands who came home with permanent disabilities.)
   Our president has been diagnosed by reputable people in the psychological field as a pathological liar.  People in senior roles in the White House have followed their president's lead - whether by orders from him, or because they see no harm in being untruthful.
   Our nation is in a downward spiral and it all began with the fact that the lies are destroying all of us.  The president has a plan to convince Americans that our media is "fake news" and "enemy of the people," and when they swallow all of that, they will swallow anything he wants to feed them.
   It seems we are with little recourse...until November 6th.  Then we can change control of the U.S. House and Senate.  The Presidency?  Maybe not until 2020.  Maybe sooner.
Please get involved in America's Future!


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