Tuesday, February 19, 2019

It's All In His Head...

An Opinion by John Watson

   The mental health of the President of the United States is on the minds of most of us.  Some try to feign ignorance or hide in their homes and pretend it isn't a problem.  We call those folks "his base."  But, regardless of their station,  the questionable mental health of President Donald J. Trump is ever present and getting worse.

   Reports of his unfitness are gathering notice.  The "Gang of Eight" in Congress offered no push back when an investigation to consider the dreaded 25th Amendment was put forth.  The question arose concerning the possibility of whether the president was unfit for office.    

   As for me, I do not need to consult a shrink to understand the rationale of the man at the podium.  When he rambles on in repetitive and nearly-incoherent thought patterns, I know a man who is losing his grip when I see one.

   He speaks in grandiose phrases, punctuated by quirky hand motions, and lips puckered for maximum - albeit untrue - declaration.

   When confronted by people from the media, he first sprinkles a few words of derogatory nonsense about them, should listeners not be aware that everything that will come out of their lying mouths will be "fake news."  

   Of course, this president is no stranger to falsehoods.  As a matter of fact, he has long been known as a master of the art, and the nation's fact checkers have worked overtime just to keep up with him.

   Why someone in Congress hasn't turned the President's mental health into an investigative work is beyond me.  The man is unfit for the office he holds, and not just by our nation's standards, but by most of the world leaders who have witnessed his unstable mannerisms, as well.

   Many will read this as my political rhetoric.  I have heard some even call this kind of thinking as unpatriotic...even treasonous.

   But, if I am guilty of treasonous thoughts, then by what manner of treason is it for those who do and say nothing?

   It isn't about a fractured nation (yet) ...it's about a fractured leader.




  1. As mature, thinking adults it is our responsibility to question authority through rational debate and conversation. Action needs to be taken. My hope is that wiser leadership in government at all levels is actively strategizing to take advantage of the right opportunity to remove this clear and present danger to our country and take firm and measured steps to remedy the chaos and destruction caused these last couple of years of this administration. If I had my druthers, it would be much sooner and not too much later.
