Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Truth and Facts are for Losers...

          An Opinion by the Montana Troublemaker

   "Youse guys want to see how he floats with cement shoes?"

   This is the kind of talk that is whispered around the White House these days.  According to orders from the boss, everyone has a copy of his enemy list and they must know the victims by heart. And, it's a very big list, too! 

   The "big guy" insisted he had a feel for this kind of "presidential" work.  His "organization" was the talk of the town back in the day.  He filed four bankruptcies when the debt piled up and he didn't feel like paying off his debts.  He refused to pay contractors on his real estate developments.  He stiffed thousands of workers out of their wages.  He lied and cheated his way through life, always chasing that next big skyscraper that would have his name in fifty-foot letters on the front. 

   Who is he?  Why, he's the "don"...the criminal head of the "New York Crime Family"  - like the bad ol' days of "the mob," so to speak.

   Worst of all, he had the strange idea that he could run the United States of America like he ran/runs his "organization."  That is to say, mobsters have one major thing in common:  Lying.  When you're doing your job, you lie.  When the competition gets ahead of you, you lie.  When you get in trouble, you lie.  When the little lady finds out things, you lie.  When you apply for a loan, you lie.  When you are in over your head, you lie.  And finally...when the people finally find out, you lie (one last time.)

   We watch the news and visualize that we are watching the reruns of "The Untouchables" in all of their glory.  And yet, it seems the bad guys are usually winning and Special  Investigator Mueller is only catching the mob's gofers and lieutenants.  But wait...Mueller is not done yet.  Maybe he's saving the best for last.  Maybe he's got the goods on "the don."  Maybe Mueller and his Untouchables will break through the White House door with tommy guns blazing and finish the story.

   But we are all thinking the same thing:  It's really the fact that the "don" is simply unfit for the job that bothers us the most.  He's immoral, he's a pathological liar, he's a narcissist with a self-inflated ego, and he's ravaging our country and our allies in the world, while he cozies up to our adversaries.

   That's enough reason for me, alone, to re-open Alcatraz and re-paint a cell. 





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