Sunday, August 25, 2019

America, we need to talk...

The only thing more exhausting than having a mental illness is pretending like you don't.
    Two prominent psychiatrists appeared on television this morning to discuss what they consider a most serious topic:  The state of mind of our president.  They represent two of the top universities in the country.
    One considers Donald J. Trump unstable and grossly inept to discharge the duties of the office he holds.  She considered him mentally ill and should be removed from office for that reason.
    The other considers the president evil, narcissistic, and a man unable to tell the truth.  He believes Trump should be voted out of office because of those reasons.
    Both of these people are held in high esteem in their field and both agree that America elected a man who has undeniable and serious character flaws. 
    The problem we, as Americans, face today is that only a few know what to do about it.  Any of those who are qualified to know will be ignored out of hand.  Our nation appears to be stymied.  Most of those who voted for him refuse to admit their mistakes, whether out of pride or political faithfulness.  Conversely, those who cry for accountability are drowned out by chants of "enemy of the people" and "fake news."
    Let us be clear of one thing:  The mental status of our president is not a figment of any one's imagination.  It is real, it is accurately diagnosed, and it is serious!  We all have been witness to his pathological lying, childish attacks on anyone who disagrees with him, and countless temper tantrums.
   I would urge all media to spend more time on revealing the truth of this critical and dangerous problem.  The voices of current and former statesmen are telling us the President of the United States is out of control and - worse yet - his actions are deteriorating.
    It is bad enough that we must live with this...but the whole world is living with it as well.  They are asking, "What happened to America?" 
    What happened, indeed?

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