Thursday, October 10, 2019

Oh! What tangled webs they wove...

An Opinion By
John Watson
It's coming apart like you would
peel an onion, layer by ugly, deceitful layer.
    Soon, the lying will become inconsequential.  The truth will seep into the minds of once-faithful supporters, and the layers of deceit will fall away as though they never really meant to fool any of us, anyway.
    We must address this president and his administration for what it is today, and maybe since it first entered our White House:  Probably the most corrupt gaggle of swamp dwellers in our illustrious history.
    America spent nearly fifty million dollars trying to unravel the Russian interference in our 2016 Presidential Election.  Every intelligence agency in our country declared they were satisfied that the perpetrators were guilty.  The Mueller Investigation drew a road map to indict the president and others of the criminal acts, because he was under orders that he, himself, could not make the indictment.  That would be up to Congress.
    However, horror of horrors, a mere few months after the conclusion of that investigation, the White House "criminal wise guys" cranked up a Ukraine fiasco to begin trading aid for dirt on the president's presumed number-one competitor in the 2020 Presidential Election!
   "Will they ever learn," you ask?   
    With the GOP in the U. S. Senate holding the reins, they thought they were home free and that would be about all of the learnin' they'd need.
    But hold on, horsefly, there's so much was leaked yesterday that the President is making three or so calls a day to the Senate Majority Leader, Moscow Mitch, checking on how his GOP  members' loyalty factor is holding.
    Today, the dam sprung more leaks.  That crazy old Rudy G., once of attorney and mayor fame, and countless other cretins in the swamp, are in big trouble and are all sinking fast. 
    The layers are coming off faster and faster, and that big ol' onion is beginning to make my eyes tear up. 
    But, that's tears of joy, folks.  Just tears of joy.
    Stay tuned...there's bound to be more to come.

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