A Morning To Live In Infamy...

   Donald J. Trump and his mob of Republican Minions in Congress have crossed a line that dare not be tolerated. 
    Since the day this president was sworn into office, he and his party have become insufferable.  They hit the ground hard and have become more surly with each passing month.  They fought any law they didn't like and changed those laws that got in their way.  They have been on a vicious attack with anyone who disagreed with them or got in their way.
    But this morning, October 23, 2019, a mob of Republican House Members, who were not allowed access, stormed a Committee Room that was holding a secure, closed door  session.  They barged in with their individual phones/cameras in hand.  (Such equipment is completely off limits in the room because of highly sensitive data - and sometimes witnesses -  on display there.)
    It has been reported that the illegal entrance was planned a week ago and some reports say the president was aware of the mob's intentions.  Regardless of whether he knew or not, the mob was certainly doing his bidding.  The plan was to disrupt the Impeachment Inquiry that is underway.
    As to the impeachment itself, there is sufficient reports of solid evidence already gleaned from credible witnesses to charge the president with abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and cover-ups.
    These minions are showing their desperation, and by acting as a mob, are further helping to sink their ill-fated leader.  One can only assume that they believe if they scatter enough bull manure, confusion will win the day. 
    Of course, one could assume that, but anyone who assumes they know anything that is going on with Republicans these days is a special kind of fool.   As a matter of fact, I truly doubt that any folks in Washington D.C. knows what's going on. 
To say we are at a dark time and place in America
is a bigly understatement.


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