Friday, February 27, 2015

So, Right-Wing Rudy Shocks you?

The whole nation is in shock at what the "Nation's Mayor" had to say about our president.


Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York, said to a select group of Right Wingers that President Obama does not "love America."


Well, let's the past six or seven years, President Obama has suffered hundreds of wounds from this "family value" political party.  He has been accused of not being our president because he was born in Kenya.  He has been accused of being a Muslim.  He has been called a liar by a simpleton seated in the Republican section during a State of the Union address.

He has been referred to in insulting ways too numerous to mention and bombarded with hate the likes of which no president has ever endured.  When cornered for a reason, the GOP will offer up unproven charges and political rhetoric from their grab bag of ready-made racist innuendos.

It was recently reported that the Secret Service revealed that since he has been in office, there have been roughly 3,000 threats on his life each year of his presidency. A considerable sum, and much higher than any of his predecessors.

The Republican Right in this country's U.S. House and Senate have threatened impeachment, law suits, and outright rebellion in efforts to bounce him out of office.  All to no avail.  And why, you ask?  Because he not only won election once, but he won it a man of color.  And as we all know, those folks have yet to accept the fact that General Lee did actually surrender.

So, why do we carry on so much about ol' Rudy's comments?  He's not running for any office that we know of...yet, and he can, therefore, say things as an ordinary American that his candidate friends on the Right won't say.  He does get a round of "atta boys" for his efforts to "fire up" the ol' GOP base, however.

It's undoubtedly the dumbest thing this man of low morals could have ever said.  If he doesn't have proof of the president's love of America, then we can all assume Rudy has truly lost his way in the world.  (To be unnoticed and forgotten is a terrible thing.)

I no longer see him as the "Nation's Mayor."  I see him more like the "Nation's Court Jester."  And he deserves to take over that title from the movie actor who walked out on stage and jabbered on to an empty chair during the last presidential campaign.

I hope we have enough vacancies for these "unwell people" back at the "home."


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Are they an entity unto themselves?

Let's decide it's time to call a spade a doggone shovel!

I'll admit right up front that this is going to be very partisan, so if your political leanings are to the right of center you may want to stop reading now.  On the other hand, if you want to experience the real reason why this country is circling the drain, read on... and repent.

The over-used explanation of what's wrong with American politics is "polarized politics."  That's true, to a point, but at this particular time in our nation's - and state's - struggles, we all can see the obvious.  And it isn't a two-sided battle.

The facts are: The Right gained control in the U.S. House and Senate in the last election.  The Right continued control of the Montana State House and Senate.  The grief that ensued, however, is the over-riding problem for all of us.

Nationally, the Right continues its nonsensical battle to kill everything the president and his party has passed, and everything they will ever try to pass.  Not because they are bad for the American people, but because they originated from the president and the Left.

It has been better explained as "the Republicans who are sitting around hoping America will fail."

If you question that quote, consider the latest poll that says a majority of the American people believe that statement.

In Montana, you only have to sit back and stare in wide-eyed wonderment at the ultra-ridiculous bills that our elected lawmakers on the Right are submitting.  If you doubt that statement, it is quick and easy to find the bills and read them for yourself.   I know of no one who hasn't been exposed to such madness. is my opinion that we are not facing a polarized political scene as much as we are facing a herd of elephants running amok with little regard for the rest of us, and the opposition simply spending their valuable time trying to explain - and counter - the stampede.

   What value is there in winning the majority of anything if you persist in not only celebrating the win but - through  arrogance and high-and-mighty insolence - keep fighting to crush the opposition?  That represents your overriding desire to grasp control for your own party, with little regard for the majority of the American people.

In short, who in the blazes are you representing?

Friday, February 20, 2015

It's Time To Say, 'I Told You So'

U. S. Senator Steve Daines just couldn't wait to prove what all of his adversaries had always known.
He wanted to be Montana's United States Senator for his own personal interests, as well as his rich friends' greedy desires, and not give a tinker's damn about the constituents back home.
One of the first votes he cast was in opposition to a bill he had sponsored while in the U. S. House of Representatives.  It was a Senate vote that went against what the majority of Montanans wanted!
I wrote many times in previous blogs that if Daines was elected to the U. S. Senate, he would sell out Montana Residents to the rich and powerful every time.
First and foremost on his pointed little Tea Party mind will always be efforts to feed the greed of the mega-rich and toss the riff-raff (middle and lower class) to the wolves.  And his opening act is running true to form.
There is a terrible plague infecting the political landscape of Montana and America, and while it reveals itself in the actions of many winning candidates, the nucleus of this bad germ took shape within the voters who placed an "X" next to the names of some of these winners.
Senator Daines (and many Montana Legislators) have foisted their own selfish greed and self-interest onto the majority of their constituents.  They seem to view the serious ramifications of some of their bills as a game, somehow, trying to see how outlandish they will be allowed to go.
Hopefully, perhaps we have learned that what we need more than anything to combat this plague is to get more people to the voting booths next time.
Or, start learning the procedures involved in firing up a politicians' recall! 

Friday, February 13, 2015

That Mentally Unsound Tea Party...

Alice is certainly right about her assessment of the present Tea Party faction in the Montana Legislature this Session.  And, if you remember a tea party that Alice once had to endured,  you have an idea just how bad Montana's must be.
Montana's TEA Party rascals have most certainly fashioned their behavior by renewing their memories of the fabled "Alice in Wonderland" and the episode of the Mad Hatter.  The Hatter was equally "off balance" and filled with gibberish as he hosted his infamous "tea party" for Alice.
Within our Legislature's controlling political party, you can  find the frivolous and out-of-whack counterparts that remind us of that Mad Hatter.
It's astounding to most of us that their prioritized list of important things to do are headlined with the likes of:  A ban on Yoga pants in public,  Montana taking control of our public lands from the Federal Government,  Abortions outlawed because a fetus is a person from conception,  Guns allowed on the grounds and in the buildings of our colleges,  Taxpayer money to help fund charter and private schools...  and on and on.
This Legislative Session has thus far produced a three-ring circus to behold and an embarrassment to all.
Be proud of your votes last November.
And if you forgot you voted for those TEA Party chickens, they will come home to roost...and poop all over your living room!