Friday, February 20, 2015

It's Time To Say, 'I Told You So'

U. S. Senator Steve Daines just couldn't wait to prove what all of his adversaries had always known.
He wanted to be Montana's United States Senator for his own personal interests, as well as his rich friends' greedy desires, and not give a tinker's damn about the constituents back home.
One of the first votes he cast was in opposition to a bill he had sponsored while in the U. S. House of Representatives.  It was a Senate vote that went against what the majority of Montanans wanted!
I wrote many times in previous blogs that if Daines was elected to the U. S. Senate, he would sell out Montana Residents to the rich and powerful every time.
First and foremost on his pointed little Tea Party mind will always be efforts to feed the greed of the mega-rich and toss the riff-raff (middle and lower class) to the wolves.  And his opening act is running true to form.
There is a terrible plague infecting the political landscape of Montana and America, and while it reveals itself in the actions of many winning candidates, the nucleus of this bad germ took shape within the voters who placed an "X" next to the names of some of these winners.
Senator Daines (and many Montana Legislators) have foisted their own selfish greed and self-interest onto the majority of their constituents.  They seem to view the serious ramifications of some of their bills as a game, somehow, trying to see how outlandish they will be allowed to go.
Hopefully, perhaps we have learned that what we need more than anything to combat this plague is to get more people to the voting booths next time.
Or, start learning the procedures involved in firing up a politicians' recall! 

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