Friday, February 13, 2015

That Mentally Unsound Tea Party...

Alice is certainly right about her assessment of the present Tea Party faction in the Montana Legislature this Session.  And, if you remember a tea party that Alice once had to endured,  you have an idea just how bad Montana's must be.
Montana's TEA Party rascals have most certainly fashioned their behavior by renewing their memories of the fabled "Alice in Wonderland" and the episode of the Mad Hatter.  The Hatter was equally "off balance" and filled with gibberish as he hosted his infamous "tea party" for Alice.
Within our Legislature's controlling political party, you can  find the frivolous and out-of-whack counterparts that remind us of that Mad Hatter.
It's astounding to most of us that their prioritized list of important things to do are headlined with the likes of:  A ban on Yoga pants in public,  Montana taking control of our public lands from the Federal Government,  Abortions outlawed because a fetus is a person from conception,  Guns allowed on the grounds and in the buildings of our colleges,  Taxpayer money to help fund charter and private schools...  and on and on.
This Legislative Session has thus far produced a three-ring circus to behold and an embarrassment to all.
Be proud of your votes last November.
And if you forgot you voted for those TEA Party chickens, they will come home to roost...and poop all over your living room!

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