Are they an entity unto themselves?

Let's decide it's time to call a spade a doggone shovel!

I'll admit right up front that this is going to be very partisan, so if your political leanings are to the right of center you may want to stop reading now.  On the other hand, if you want to experience the real reason why this country is circling the drain, read on... and repent.

The over-used explanation of what's wrong with American politics is "polarized politics."  That's true, to a point, but at this particular time in our nation's - and state's - struggles, we all can see the obvious.  And it isn't a two-sided battle.

The facts are: The Right gained control in the U.S. House and Senate in the last election.  The Right continued control of the Montana State House and Senate.  The grief that ensued, however, is the over-riding problem for all of us.

Nationally, the Right continues its nonsensical battle to kill everything the president and his party has passed, and everything they will ever try to pass.  Not because they are bad for the American people, but because they originated from the president and the Left.

It has been better explained as "the Republicans who are sitting around hoping America will fail."

If you question that quote, consider the latest poll that says a majority of the American people believe that statement.

In Montana, you only have to sit back and stare in wide-eyed wonderment at the ultra-ridiculous bills that our elected lawmakers on the Right are submitting.  If you doubt that statement, it is quick and easy to find the bills and read them for yourself.   I know of no one who hasn't been exposed to such madness. is my opinion that we are not facing a polarized political scene as much as we are facing a herd of elephants running amok with little regard for the rest of us, and the opposition simply spending their valuable time trying to explain - and counter - the stampede.

   What value is there in winning the majority of anything if you persist in not only celebrating the win but - through  arrogance and high-and-mighty insolence - keep fighting to crush the opposition?  That represents your overriding desire to grasp control for your own party, with little regard for the majority of the American people.

In short, who in the blazes are you representing?


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