Saturday, June 11, 2016

Land of Haves, Hanging-Ons, and Have-Nots...

Cartoon by John Watson

   Tighten your seat belts folks, because this new - and deformed - American political vehicle is giving us a very bumpy ride.

   It is as plain as the nose on our faces that we are watching the end of political parties such as Democrats, Republicans and Independents.    They are the parties
of what was and never again will be, because they fit no identifiable molds.

   As time changes all things, money - and who it can buy - changes the future of our nation.

        We have become a land of  Haves, Hanging-Ons,
        and Have-Nots.  (Not exactly a flattering picture.)
   And I can tell you one thing:  Very, very few of us will be among the Haves.  The greatest number will be in the Hanging-On category, and too many will be in the Have-Nots.
   But there is good news for any who want to explore the possibilities of redemption.  There is, however, a catch.  A very large number of voters will be needed to attain but one goal:  Get involved in the political process! 
   If you want to eliminate the injustices in our current political landscape, make yourself aware of what is happening. Don't wait for someone else to fix it, because that "someone else" will be the one who has caused all of the trouble in the first place! 
   Money is necessary.  Business needs it to manufacture goods and services... and pay their workers.  Workers need it to buy merchandise from businesses to keep our economy moving.  Everyone needs it to pay their fair share in taxes, which will keep our government humming and our infrastructure maintained.
   But nobody needs it to buy laws and lawmakers!
   Get's your membership dues for living in the best country on the planet.

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