There are fibs, falsehoods...and BIG FAT LIES

   Well, some cowboys come out of the chute and make a decent ride of it.  And then there are those who get bucked off before the gate hardly opens.
   Were they ready for the ride?  Did they try to show us their worth, or did they think they could bluff their way through the ride?  It's important that we know the difference when we apply this analogy to Greg Gianforte's "purchase of the Office of Governor of Montana."
   Montana Cowgirl Blog has found some interesting facts about the listing of Mr. Greg Gianforte on Wikipedia.  His page has not-so-mysteriously been altered recently.  An IP address "" has scrubbed and replaced information to mitigate his being caught in a big fat lie.
   That lie involved Gianforte claiming Facebook didn't build a center in Montana because of our high business machine tax.  That has been refuted by Facebook and someone scrubbed it from Gianforte's Wikipedia page.  Even worse, Facebook says neither Gianforte nor any of his staffers ever contacted them with the question regarding a business machine tax. 
   The Montana Cowgirl Blog further says the same editor has previously removed references to Gianforte's "donations to anti-LBGT groups" and replaced it with "donated tens of millions of dollars to various charities."  The page has been continually and heavily edited to remove references to his religion, ties to the Montana Family Foundation, and to the fringe groups to which he has donated.
   Yep, pardner...some imitation cowboys from back east just can't seem to hardly get out of the chute before exposing their lack of talent and inability to tell the truth.
   I'm pretty sure we were all taught that it's not nice to lie...even if you're a very rich politician!


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