Delusional Political Neophytes..

   Senator Steve Daines and Representative Ryan Zinke are fighting for the coal industry in Montana and have held congressional meetings to get things moving.
   However, their staffs were very disappointed that Governor Bullock didn't send someone to attend.  The Governor's spokesperson, however, stated that  they WERE NOT INVITED.  That didn't stop the "political theatre" from happening, though.  These two guys stay up nights working on underhanded, malicious, untruthful maneuvers to help themselves get re-elected,  and their good friend Greg Gianforte elected as Governor.
   Everyone knows - including these two coal "experts" - that the coal industry is on a downhill slide because of  newer, cleaner energy sources.
   We all understand how this makes it tough on coal workers.  But they certainly haven't been singled out.  In the recent decades, millions of jobs have disappeared because of better, cleaner, and more up-to-date ways of doing various businesses.  Coal is a dirty, stinky, expensive way of producing the energy we all need.  We now have wind, solar, and various other clean ways of doing the job.
   Daines and Zinke have jumped on the "re-elect me" bandwagon and are going to ride it to the ballot box.  This we all have to accept, but accusing Gov. Bullock's Office of turning his back on their campaign ploy WITHOUT INVITING HIM is beyond the bounds of decency.  Bullock has shown great support in the past on the coal industry and coal workers.
   Any of you wonder why Donald Trump has won the full support of these two political neophytes?


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