Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Little Senator That Could Have...

   Betsy DeVos has never held a teaching certificate, hates Public Schools, and along with her family has doled out two-hundred million to the Republican Party, and she is President Trump's Nominee for Secretary of Education.  (Have you picked out the qualification that is probably most important?)
   This nomination is going to go down in history as the most ludicrous  bought-and-paid-for fiasco in modern history.  During her committee hearing, she gave the most sophomoric answers imaginable.  Her educational acumen brought answers that caused headshakes and looks of pity.
   When you consider this batch of unqualified billionaires, bigots, Wall Street Bankers, and bamboozlers, however, DeVos is not exactly at the bottom of the list.  Trump's entire Cabinet has been selected with one thing in mind: Tear the guts out of America and replace it with a country for millionaires, billionaires, and bigots!  No ruffians and no riff-raff.  Just Republicans.

   And then there's our Senator from Montana.

   Aside from the fact that DeVos gave Senator Daines more than $45,000 for his campaign war chest, he thinks ol' Betsy is just swell.  He could have been one of the Republican Senators to give ol' Betsy her walking papers, but, no...Senator Daines whipped out the GOP Rubber Stamp that hangs around his neck like a medal, and voted to confirm this educational neophyte as America's Secretary of Education.

   It is being reported that phone banks on Capitol Hill have never seen such activity from Americans who are upset with this nominee.  Montanans were included in those calls, too.

   Of course, what happens on Capitol Hill stays on Capitol Hill.  Constituents back home?...let 'em eat dog food.


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