The Town Hall Toughie via Video Feed...

I'm not the gavel banger,
nor the gavel banger's son.
   But I'll bang the big-boy's gavel,
      'cause it looks like lots of fun.
   That 'Lil Pocahontas'
      is messin' with our guy.
   So now she'll have to take her seat
      and tell us all bye-bye.
   See my Town Hall meeting;
      it's comin' to your town.
   (Except I'll be in Washington...hidin' underground)
   Senator Steve "Chicken Little" Daines was going to blow into town and put on a first-rate Town Hall Meeting for the yokels here in Montana.  We were going hear all kinds of good stuff about his military-style coup of Senator Elizabeth  Warren's speech on the U.S. Senate Floor.  She was in the process of reading a letter from the widow of Martin Luther King. Jr. regarding Senator Sessions' racist views from the past.  He was most successful at suppressing black voters from getting to the polls.  But, it  cost him an appointment to a Federal Judgeship, as well.
   Before "Pocahontas" Warren (what the GOP Senators like to call her, forgetting rule 19, of course) could finish her reading, another good ol' boy Senate Majority Leader McConnell rose and called her on the diabolical "rule 19"...which says one good ol' boy senator cannot shame another good ol' boy senator...even if he is being investigated as a nominee for Attorney General of the United States of America!
   Little Senator Stevie Daines, with gavel in hand and eyes focused sharply on good ol' boy Mitch for his every cue, was ready and eager to lower the hammer on her.  When good ol' boy Mitch nodded his head, Lil' Stevie grabbed that gavel, banged it on the table, and told her to sit down!
   Well, you can imagine the uproar around the country.  And, you can imagine it here in his home state, too.
  I don't have to explain much further that "Captain Courage" - for some reason - decided it would cost too much to travel to Montana and put on his Town Hall Meeting.  He's all about saving us money, you understand. best - and safest - way to cover his butt and keep a couple thousand miles away would be to use a video feed for the Town Hall Meeting.  Hostile words and over-ripe tomatoes would be better served on a video screen than on the  Senator.
   Senator Steve may be a scaredy-cat, but he ain't stoopid.


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