A Bench-Warmer Should Only be in Charge Of the Water Bucket...

   Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) is a barrel of laughs and a boxfull of GOP rubber stamps.
   Watching him work a crowd of bigwigs at a Republican bash is about as sad as anything I've seen.  He has the appearance of a "Novice Junior Senator" who tries his best to feel noticed by "the party."  It is obvious, however, that the only notice he gets is when a real party member asks him if he still has the rubber stamp tied around his neck.  "We have several bills and nominees coming up, Stevie, and we'll let you know when to start using it."
   Undoubtedly, the next important vote for Steve's rubber stamp will be that Secretary of Education lady who has probably never stepped into a public school classroom, never owned a teaching certificate, loves charter, private, and religious schooling, and has a pure hatred for public education.  Her claim to fame is the fact she and her family have donated more than $200 million to the Republican Party.  Her sophomoric answers to questions put to her by the committee testing her worthiness for such an important position should have spelled doom for her chances.  But, our Senator Daines thinks she would be just swell. RUBBER STAMP "YES."  (P.S.  She and her family have donated more than $45,000 to Daines' campaign.  Anywhere else in America, that would disqualify him from even voting.)
   How does he feel about repealing the Affordable Care Act without a safety net for millions who are now insured?  A party member's elbow to Stevie's rib cage and he sings like a canary...RUBBER STAMP "YES."
   What are his thoughts about polluting our clean air and spilling toxic waste - on purpose or through pipeline leaks - into our rivers and streams, after regulations are cut by up to 75%?  "My RUBBER STAMP "YES" is ready," says Stevie.
   We cannot let this guy remain in the U.S. Senate!
   Somebody hide his rubber stamp, his ink pad...and his invitations to the Pachyderm Parties. 


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