Thursday, February 15, 2018 keep and bear muskets

   We remember when Wayne LaPierre, gun activist and an executive to the National Rifle Association, spoke with red-hot flames of contempt for anyone who would question his "right to keep and bear arms" tirades.  Hell hath no fury like the fury of LaPierre.

   We also remember his - and countless right-wing fanatics - warnings that President Obama was coming for our guns.  Of course, we haven't heard much about it since his eight years has expired, and nary a soul had to give up their precious weaponry.

   One would assume that some astute fellow could stand up and tell the nation that after contemplating all of our written laws, we might consider one that isn't written down:  Common Sense!  Yeah, that pesky little thing most humans possess.

   The NRA fails to address the fact that when our forefathers were told they could "keep and bear arms," they were talking about muskets that could fire a projectile once every minute or two.  Not too much danger of walking into a school and killing and injuring dozens of students and teachers with a blunderbuss like that.

   So why does LaPierre and millions of "gun fanatics" fight to hold on to a seventeenth century mentality with a twenty-first century killing machine?   Why do hunters need an AR-15 assault rifle to hunt deer and antelope?  Or, to defend their home and family?  If they are that bad of a shot they should go take some lessons.

   Well, we know why they fight to keep those rapid-fire killing machines close by and legal:  Because the NRA has told them they can.  And, they can point to the second amendment and gloss over their common sense reasoning.

   This entire argument has, however, become a mostly moot point.   Thanks to the NRA sales efforts (remember how weapon sales soared when they said Obama was coming for your guns?) and the gun manufacturers disregard for senseless killings of our precious students and teachers, we have enough AR-15s on the street and in the homes to keep school shootings going for fifty or sixty years.

   Besides,  just who envisions a government agency trying to confiscate them from "law-abiding citizens?"

   We have "loosed the hounds of hell" and there is so much money involved in buying politicians' votes that we should be able to keep school shootings in the news for years.

   One final thought to keep in mind:  There is a waiting period before you can actually buy and have a handgun in your possession.

   An AR-15?  Put your money on the counter and walk out the door with your rapid-fire, over-sized clip, murdering machine!

   You're welcome.  Compliments of the NRA and the United States of America Congressional "votes for cash" program.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

American Dreams are for Losers...

   America is changing.
   There was a time when congress could vote on a bill and it would pass with an astounding majority.  A margin so huge that it would be "veto proof," which meant that should the president put his veto stamp on it, congress could override the veto and it would become law.
   Today, under that same scenario,  all of that wacky voting stuff is evidently unnecessary for our current president.  All that is needed is for the president to announce that the bill is not needed and deserving only of a trip to the waste basket.
   The bill in question?  Additional sanctions that were to be placed on Russia for their meddling in our 2016 presidential election. 
   Think about this for a minute.  It means that more than 95% of the U.S. House and Senate voted to add the sanctions.  Sanctions for  meddling in an election that, reportedly, benefited this president. Meddling that had been accepted as the truth by all thirteen of America's Intelligence Agencies. 
   And Russia's meddling in elections is, reportedly by those same intelligence agencies,  still going on in America, Mexico, and many other countries.
   What is our president thinking about?
   Tell me which countries deserves sanctions more than a country that is ripping up our democracy -  and doing so, seemingly, with the approval of our president?  A country that appears to have a "blackmail grip" on our president?  A country that has helped divide this country like it has never been divided before!
   Our "American Dream" is not just is worse than has been stated - in so many words and ways - that those dreams are only for losers. 
   We have an Administration that casts aside that which does not suit them, and they do it with absolute impunity.  They rule as if they won "dictatorial empire of the galaxy" and "rule by lies" is the new norm.

   Donald Trump, who lost the popular vote by roughly three million, allows his narcissistic mind to believe he earned the crown because he hit a home run,  when we all know he was born somewhere between third base and home plate.  Actually, it was a bunt, at best,  but how he made it to home plate is not what's important right now.  The fact that he and his staff are on a rampage to destroy home plate, dig up the dirt, and ravage the rule book is what's important!

   Maybe when the people realize the only "dream" that's left is primarily for the deplorables, they will stand up and decide to do something about maybe vote in November 2018.



Sunday, February 11, 2018

There is a narcissist in the Oval Office

   The Presidential "bar of decency" in America has been lowered to a depth no one has ever imagined, and questions are now being asked, "will the presidency ever be the same?"

   Perhaps narcissism is at the core of what we consider this president's real failure.  He demands, he craves, he begs, for attention.  If you demand but one ounce of proof - and there are many to consider -  you need only to watch the video of a group of world leaders waiting to have a photograph taken.  Through the gathering, a man literally pushes his way through two men to get to  the front, straightens his suit jacket, and looks around as if searching for the camera.  That man was our president. 

   And now, he is asking our military leaders to "throw him a parade; a huge parade, with tanks and missiles and lots and lots of our military personnel...all marching up Pennsylvania Avenue.  The only thing that will be on parade will be his ego!

      As to lowering the bar for the Office of the President of the United States, let's look at a few things that, according to his base and others, now seems frighteningly acceptable:

   * There have been more than 2,100 statements made by the president that have been fact-checked as outright lies.  (His supporters just smile and say, "everybody lies.")  Many of those lies, however, are fairly trivial.   They serve no purpose and astonish most listeners as to why he even bothers to make the effort.  

   * It is now being widely reported that he had an affair with a "porn star" while married to the now-first lady, and $130,000 was paid to her in an elaborate scheme by his attorney to evidently keep her quiet.  He and his base seem very silent and, as expected, uncaring.

   * He tweets all day and every day a litany of  irresponsible and often factually incorrect information about those he has placed on his "enemy list."  They are members of his own party, the opposition party, congressional members on both sides of the aisle, and - worst of all - world leaders.

   * His hatred for our media is well documented.  He refers to them as "fake news" and "the most dishonest human beings in the country."  He has spent many years of being covered in the press for his years of cheating contractors and sub-contractors who have tried to sue him for lost wages, etc.   Because of his checkered past in business dealings, he was well situated to wage war with the "damnable fake news" when he entered the Oval Office.

   * Some on his White House staff have often leaked information showing he has no willingness to read briefing papers, policy news, or bills to be proposed and voted on.  His own belief is that he is a "stable genius" and "can handle it all, without help."

   It is impossible to over-exaggerate the foibles of this man.  He is a "one-in-a-billion" kind of man who we have made the terrible mistake of handing him the keys to the Oval Office. 

   Just to add a finer point to the problem, there is a large group of congressional members of his own party who are being the perfect enablers and, as expected, will do so until it is no longer beneficial to themselves or their Party. 

   And if there is a question in your mind about whether the enablers are thinking about our best interest, the answer would have to be...

   Surely, you jest!



Monday, February 5, 2018

How long can you hold your...Loyalty?

We have a very serious question for those long-term congressional members who are hoping for an honorable conclusion to their careers, as well as congressional newbies who are hoping for a similar career:
How long can you hold your 'loyalty to Trump' breaths?
 There is a growing urgency in America for an answer to that question.  Those with longevity in congress, who shall be known as "enablers," are certainly jeopardizing their place of honor in history. 
   The aforementioned must surely be walking a tight rope between their loyalty to a questionable president and their concern for that very large rock around their necks that can certainly sink them to the bottom of the approval polls.
   What to do...what to do?
   We must assume that the American Voters are chomping at the bit to vote in November 2018.  Hopefully, it will bring the most reluctant of them to the ballot boxes, where Red States will become Blue, Lies will become truth, and America will become great again!
   But, going back to our major question:  Just how long will the "President's enablers" walk lockstep, arm in arm, with him before they see their own re-election efforts sinking into the sunset?
   We have all heard the adage, "all politics is local."  Well, we also think a more recognizable adage for politicians is, "all politics is self first."  
   The real scene in Washington D.C. right now is like a house of cards, and, in our opinion, it won't take many to bring the whole darn thing to the ground. 
   We just can't understand why politicians with their careers (and their money) on the line would tie it all to a guy like this president.
But then, there is a lot about Republicans in general
that we can't understand these days!