Monday, February 5, 2018

How long can you hold your...Loyalty?

We have a very serious question for those long-term congressional members who are hoping for an honorable conclusion to their careers, as well as congressional newbies who are hoping for a similar career:
How long can you hold your 'loyalty to Trump' breaths?
 There is a growing urgency in America for an answer to that question.  Those with longevity in congress, who shall be known as "enablers," are certainly jeopardizing their place of honor in history. 
   The aforementioned must surely be walking a tight rope between their loyalty to a questionable president and their concern for that very large rock around their necks that can certainly sink them to the bottom of the approval polls.
   What to do...what to do?
   We must assume that the American Voters are chomping at the bit to vote in November 2018.  Hopefully, it will bring the most reluctant of them to the ballot boxes, where Red States will become Blue, Lies will become truth, and America will become great again!
   But, going back to our major question:  Just how long will the "President's enablers" walk lockstep, arm in arm, with him before they see their own re-election efforts sinking into the sunset?
   We have all heard the adage, "all politics is local."  Well, we also think a more recognizable adage for politicians is, "all politics is self first."  
   The real scene in Washington D.C. right now is like a house of cards, and, in our opinion, it won't take many to bring the whole darn thing to the ground. 
   We just can't understand why politicians with their careers (and their money) on the line would tie it all to a guy like this president.
But then, there is a lot about Republicans in general
that we can't understand these days!



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