...to keep and bear muskets

   We remember when Wayne LaPierre, gun activist and an executive to the National Rifle Association, spoke with red-hot flames of contempt for anyone who would question his "right to keep and bear arms" tirades.  Hell hath no fury like the fury of LaPierre.

   We also remember his - and countless right-wing fanatics - warnings that President Obama was coming for our guns.  Of course, we haven't heard much about it since his eight years has expired, and nary a soul had to give up their precious weaponry.

   One would assume that some astute fellow could stand up and tell the nation that after contemplating all of our written laws, we might consider one that isn't written down:  Common Sense!  Yeah, that pesky little thing most humans possess.

   The NRA fails to address the fact that when our forefathers were told they could "keep and bear arms," they were talking about muskets that could fire a projectile once every minute or two.  Not too much danger of walking into a school and killing and injuring dozens of students and teachers with a blunderbuss like that.

   So why does LaPierre and millions of "gun fanatics" fight to hold on to a seventeenth century mentality with a twenty-first century killing machine?   Why do hunters need an AR-15 assault rifle to hunt deer and antelope?  Or, to defend their home and family?  If they are that bad of a shot they should go take some lessons.

   Well, we know why they fight to keep those rapid-fire killing machines close by and legal:  Because the NRA has told them they can.  And, they can point to the second amendment and gloss over their common sense reasoning.

   This entire argument has, however, become a mostly moot point.   Thanks to the NRA sales efforts (remember how weapon sales soared when they said Obama was coming for your guns?) and the gun manufacturers disregard for senseless killings of our precious students and teachers, we have enough AR-15s on the street and in the homes to keep school shootings going for fifty or sixty years.

   Besides,  just who envisions a government agency trying to confiscate them from "law-abiding citizens?"

   We have "loosed the hounds of hell" and there is so much money involved in buying politicians' votes that we should be able to keep school shootings in the news for years.

   One final thought to keep in mind:  There is a waiting period before you can actually buy and have a handgun in your possession.

   An AR-15?  Put your money on the counter and walk out the door with your rapid-fire, over-sized clip, murdering machine!

   You're welcome.  Compliments of the NRA and the United States of America Congressional "votes for cash" program.



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