American Dreams are for Losers...

   America is changing.
   There was a time when congress could vote on a bill and it would pass with an astounding majority.  A margin so huge that it would be "veto proof," which meant that should the president put his veto stamp on it, congress could override the veto and it would become law.
   Today, under that same scenario,  all of that wacky voting stuff is evidently unnecessary for our current president.  All that is needed is for the president to announce that the bill is not needed and deserving only of a trip to the waste basket.
   The bill in question?  Additional sanctions that were to be placed on Russia for their meddling in our 2016 presidential election. 
   Think about this for a minute.  It means that more than 95% of the U.S. House and Senate voted to add the sanctions.  Sanctions for  meddling in an election that, reportedly, benefited this president. Meddling that had been accepted as the truth by all thirteen of America's Intelligence Agencies. 
   And Russia's meddling in elections is, reportedly by those same intelligence agencies,  still going on in America, Mexico, and many other countries.
   What is our president thinking about?
   Tell me which countries deserves sanctions more than a country that is ripping up our democracy -  and doing so, seemingly, with the approval of our president?  A country that appears to have a "blackmail grip" on our president?  A country that has helped divide this country like it has never been divided before!
   Our "American Dream" is not just is worse than has been stated - in so many words and ways - that those dreams are only for losers. 
   We have an Administration that casts aside that which does not suit them, and they do it with absolute impunity.  They rule as if they won "dictatorial empire of the galaxy" and "rule by lies" is the new norm.

   Donald Trump, who lost the popular vote by roughly three million, allows his narcissistic mind to believe he earned the crown because he hit a home run,  when we all know he was born somewhere between third base and home plate.  Actually, it was a bunt, at best,  but how he made it to home plate is not what's important right now.  The fact that he and his staff are on a rampage to destroy home plate, dig up the dirt, and ravage the rule book is what's important!

   Maybe when the people realize the only "dream" that's left is primarily for the deplorables, they will stand up and decide to do something about maybe vote in November 2018.




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