Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The World Leaders, Minus One


                   Once upon a morning, dreary , while I listened - weak and weary.
                    Thoughts of who will soon be speaking, chills my heart forever more.       
                While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came this laughing,
                    as if someone loud and boastful, saying things not heard before.   
               "Tis some visitor," I muttered, "speaking to the leaders gathered.
                    Only him and nothing more.
    Many of us gasped in horror and thought to ourselves, "He's not going over there to speak again, is he?"

   But, alas, he did.

   The United States President spoke to the world's leaders at the United Nations this week.  His speech had to be patched together by John Bolton and Steve Miller, better known as the "hawks of Trumpslavania."  It was bitterness to most and kindness to our enemies.  It had all the trappings of America's road map to total isolationism and a near-direct assertion that if your country ever expects aid of any kind in the future, you best be our bestest friend today!

   As the cameras scanned the room during his speech, world leaders could be seen in total horror, disbelief, anger, and even laughter at his boastful claims about his administration accomplishing things never done before in the history of our nation.

   If we have ever questioned the charges by reputable people  about his narcissism, pathological lying, and various other character flaws - we should certainly embrace them now!

   The evidence is starkly written before us, and it counters everything that we hold to be true from our founders own words.  America will not allow an "unconventional" president to arbitrarily change what has been the belief of more than three-hundred million people. 

   The only ones who got away with that were dictators!



Monday, September 24, 2018

Who Decides What Rights You Can Have?

Opinion by
John Watson
   We truly live in a place and time of tribal madness.
   Why can't we come to a consensus on the fact that all Americans deserve the human rights as handed down by our founders.  It appears some seem to believe they, alone, have the right to decide who is deserving.
   And to put an even finer point on the issue, I hope no one really believes the current "fight" brewing in the U.S. Senate Judicial Committee has anything to do with confirming a Judge for the U.S. Supreme Court.  It is a down-in-the-gutter, only-white-men-matter, war-of-all-wars, to keep women and other minorities in their place.

   Judge Kavanaugh is a puppet fastened to the strings of rich ol' white guys on the Senate Committee and throughout the entire Senate who will be expected to dance to their bigoted, intolerant, and narrow-minded wishes once they get him confirmed as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

   No woman who begs to enjoy the rights she has already been given  will find herself a friend of the Republican Party.  Her choices only extend as far as the white, male, right-wing politicians will allow.  Does the Right place restrictions on what a male can and cannot do with his body?  Surely, you jest!

   Nearly all other minorities have long been "unfriended" by Republicans, as well.  Their rights to vote, work, and live as equals are insufferable to Republicans.

   You see, Republicans are narrow-minded and intolerant of anything beyond their own status in life.  Their quest is to "control the masses."  Their ideology is "we get ours first and then you get what's left."

   Democrats are broad-minded and tolerant of all others.  Their quest is to bring human rights to all humans.  They believe in justice for all.  They want to remove money from politics, from corporations buying elections, and from lobbyists buying votes.

   That is the pure, simple difference that you now need to see.

   And when money and power is "buying" a lifetime job for a Supreme Court Justice while trying to quiet the story of a lady who says she was victimized by that Judge, we all need to think about what our founding fathers would have done.  You remember who they are - the ones who used to think everyone was equal under the law:  white, colored, male, female, young, old, gay, know, We The People! 
   Go to Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and read the definitions of Liberal and Conservative.  I would point out that under the later, there is no mention of  "we get to decide."

   From the looks of things in Washington and around the country...some of you are going to be in for a big surprise!

   One further point must be mentioned here:  Kavanaugh is not just anti-abortion and anti-gay...he is also in favor of corporate entanglement in our elections and increased pressure to suppress voting rights. 

   But the greatest of his evils is still the wrong-headed thinking of women's - and all minorities - RIGHTS!




Friday, September 7, 2018

Wheels on the tarmac...Lies in the teleprompter

   Even way out here in the west, we mountain and plains people of Montana can see the destructive power of this President, Donald J. Trump.

   Oh, I know...those easterners see us as backward folks, living halfway up the side of some big ol' mountain, with limited television news and even more limited learnin' to read newspapers.  I really believe they think we are oblivious to the evil seeping from under the doors and through the cracks of the White House.

   Well, maybe some of us were.

   But ever since Air Force One dropped its landing gear in Great Falls and Billings, we who have a vehicle capable of getting us to those sites, a television set with rabbit ears to tune in the event, or those wealthy enough to have cable television, we were exposed to the incredible folly of Donald J. Trump, hisself.

   One day someone on Trump's  staff pointed out Montana on a wrinkled up map and whispered into his ear, "Jon Tester country."

   That's about all it took for him to see our beautiful state as a few hundred thousand backwoods voters ripe for the taking.  He ordered his make-up artists, hair combers, and someone with an extra quart of orange facial spray to climb aboard. 

   A more pitiful show could never be imagined!

   There are the "actors" who are seated behind him, complete with sign and smiling and yelling faces.  If a "normal" citizen happens into this menagerie, he or she is quickly replaced by a "happy face" who walks right on stage and orders the sane one right off the stage.  Those ordered off were previously seen as looking dumbfounded or flabbergasted at Trump's words - and obvious lies.  Videos do not lie, dude!

   Maybe we Montana folks are just more down to earth and carefree, and give a stranger a minute to "come clean" to his foolishness.  Maybe we don't want to believe he really is that corrupt.  Maybe when we read his tweets, we want to think someone else is writing those damn things.

   Then again, maybe we are just too patriotic to think this kind of a pathological liar could have ever been elected.

   A lesson for all:  Many Montana voters were bamboozled the first time, but I'd bet my next social security check they won't be come November Mid-Term Elections.  That election is going to be the most important in my life - and that's about sixty years of voting.  We need to convince the young voters to take thirty minutes and go vote.  We need to convince the women and minorities to do their thirty minutes, too.  If they don't, we are heading for the cliff...

  And it will be the fault of all of us, because we did not use the most powerful tool given to us by our founding fathers...THE RIGHT TO VOTE. 



Monday, September 3, 2018

Forgive Him, For He Knows Nothing...

   In the past twenty-four hours, I've come to the conclusion that most of America has been dead wrong about President Trump.
   It has been widely reported that the president is building an autocratic, white nationalist, authoritarian form of government.
   In fact, it is now my belief that he is actually building a mobster empire the likes of which no one has ever seen.  Alfonse Capone would be envious beyond belief.    Trump has taken to heart the infamous role I once bestowed upon him:  The 'Don' of the New York Crime Family and their various thugs have been blazing across America with their contemptible arrogance and/or flat-out rejection of our laws.  Trump and his legion of liars have brought embarrassment, disgust, and confusion from our allies, while accepting praise from our enemies.
   Meanwhile, back at the 'ranch' (sometimes referred to as the U.S. House and Senate)  the GOP members are displaying poker faces and twelve-inch wide stripes of yellow down their backsides.  They are mumbling phrases such as, "I need to hear more before making a decision," or "we're taking your concerns under consideration."   Maybe 'more' would be , "the president has just resigned and is now  heading to Moscow on his bigly jet with even biglier letters that spell T R U M P the length of the plane." 

   Trump refuses to admit his ignorance of the job and feigns his style of leadership as simply unorthodox or unconventional. 

   His tweets are juvenile, vengeful, and anything but presidential.  We can picture this tweet-addict sitting on the side of his bed, in his pajamas, in the early morning hours...getting even with all who have dared to criticize him in the past twenty-four hours. 

   We must admit to ourselves that America has a man who is as far from being presidential as any president we have ever known or read about.  At the very least, Nixon found a palpable reason to resign.  (Impeachment, he said, would take up too much valuable time of the House and Senate)

   A skill in perceiving the needs of the day for America are woefully lacking in the mind of Trump.

   And, the impartial work that is needed by our legislatures to clean up the mess they have allowed to linger is not only lacking, but dead. dead. dead.