Forgive Him, For He Knows Nothing...

   In the past twenty-four hours, I've come to the conclusion that most of America has been dead wrong about President Trump.
   It has been widely reported that the president is building an autocratic, white nationalist, authoritarian form of government.
   In fact, it is now my belief that he is actually building a mobster empire the likes of which no one has ever seen.  Alfonse Capone would be envious beyond belief.    Trump has taken to heart the infamous role I once bestowed upon him:  The 'Don' of the New York Crime Family and their various thugs have been blazing across America with their contemptible arrogance and/or flat-out rejection of our laws.  Trump and his legion of liars have brought embarrassment, disgust, and confusion from our allies, while accepting praise from our enemies.
   Meanwhile, back at the 'ranch' (sometimes referred to as the U.S. House and Senate)  the GOP members are displaying poker faces and twelve-inch wide stripes of yellow down their backsides.  They are mumbling phrases such as, "I need to hear more before making a decision," or "we're taking your concerns under consideration."   Maybe 'more' would be , "the president has just resigned and is now  heading to Moscow on his bigly jet with even biglier letters that spell T R U M P the length of the plane." 

   Trump refuses to admit his ignorance of the job and feigns his style of leadership as simply unorthodox or unconventional. 

   His tweets are juvenile, vengeful, and anything but presidential.  We can picture this tweet-addict sitting on the side of his bed, in his pajamas, in the early morning hours...getting even with all who have dared to criticize him in the past twenty-four hours. 

   We must admit to ourselves that America has a man who is as far from being presidential as any president we have ever known or read about.  At the very least, Nixon found a palpable reason to resign.  (Impeachment, he said, would take up too much valuable time of the House and Senate)

   A skill in perceiving the needs of the day for America are woefully lacking in the mind of Trump.

   And, the impartial work that is needed by our legislatures to clean up the mess they have allowed to linger is not only lacking, but dead. dead. dead.







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