Wheels on the tarmac...Lies in the teleprompter

   Even way out here in the west, we mountain and plains people of Montana can see the destructive power of this President, Donald J. Trump.

   Oh, I know...those easterners see us as backward folks, living halfway up the side of some big ol' mountain, with limited television news and even more limited learnin' to read newspapers.  I really believe they think we are oblivious to the evil seeping from under the doors and through the cracks of the White House.

   Well, maybe some of us were.

   But ever since Air Force One dropped its landing gear in Great Falls and Billings, we who have a vehicle capable of getting us to those sites, a television set with rabbit ears to tune in the event, or those wealthy enough to have cable television, we were exposed to the incredible folly of Donald J. Trump, hisself.

   One day someone on Trump's  staff pointed out Montana on a wrinkled up map and whispered into his ear, "Jon Tester country."

   That's about all it took for him to see our beautiful state as a few hundred thousand backwoods voters ripe for the taking.  He ordered his make-up artists, hair combers, and someone with an extra quart of orange facial spray to climb aboard. 

   A more pitiful show could never be imagined!

   There are the "actors" who are seated behind him, complete with sign and smiling and yelling faces.  If a "normal" citizen happens into this menagerie, he or she is quickly replaced by a "happy face" who walks right on stage and orders the sane one right off the stage.  Those ordered off were previously seen as looking dumbfounded or flabbergasted at Trump's words - and obvious lies.  Videos do not lie, dude!

   Maybe we Montana folks are just more down to earth and carefree, and give a stranger a minute to "come clean" to his foolishness.  Maybe we don't want to believe he really is that corrupt.  Maybe when we read his tweets, we want to think someone else is writing those damn things.

   Then again, maybe we are just too patriotic to think this kind of a pathological liar could have ever been elected.

   A lesson for all:  Many Montana voters were bamboozled the first time, but I'd bet my next social security check they won't be come November Mid-Term Elections.  That election is going to be the most important in my life - and that's about sixty years of voting.  We need to convince the young voters to take thirty minutes and go vote.  We need to convince the women and minorities to do their thirty minutes, too.  If they don't, we are heading for the cliff...

  And it will be the fault of all of us, because we did not use the most powerful tool given to us by our founding fathers...THE RIGHT TO VOTE. 




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