Who Decides What Rights You Can Have?

Opinion by
John Watson
   We truly live in a place and time of tribal madness.
   Why can't we come to a consensus on the fact that all Americans deserve the human rights as handed down by our founders.  It appears some seem to believe they, alone, have the right to decide who is deserving.
   And to put an even finer point on the issue, I hope no one really believes the current "fight" brewing in the U.S. Senate Judicial Committee has anything to do with confirming a Judge for the U.S. Supreme Court.  It is a down-in-the-gutter, only-white-men-matter, war-of-all-wars, to keep women and other minorities in their place.

   Judge Kavanaugh is a puppet fastened to the strings of rich ol' white guys on the Senate Committee and throughout the entire Senate who will be expected to dance to their bigoted, intolerant, and narrow-minded wishes once they get him confirmed as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

   No woman who begs to enjoy the rights she has already been given  will find herself a friend of the Republican Party.  Her choices only extend as far as the white, male, right-wing politicians will allow.  Does the Right place restrictions on what a male can and cannot do with his body?  Surely, you jest!

   Nearly all other minorities have long been "unfriended" by Republicans, as well.  Their rights to vote, work, and live as equals are insufferable to Republicans.

   You see, Republicans are narrow-minded and intolerant of anything beyond their own status in life.  Their quest is to "control the masses."  Their ideology is "we get ours first and then you get what's left."

   Democrats are broad-minded and tolerant of all others.  Their quest is to bring human rights to all humans.  They believe in justice for all.  They want to remove money from politics, from corporations buying elections, and from lobbyists buying votes.

   That is the pure, simple difference that you now need to see.

   And when money and power is "buying" a lifetime job for a Supreme Court Justice while trying to quiet the story of a lady who says she was victimized by that Judge, we all need to think about what our founding fathers would have done.  You remember who they are - the ones who used to think everyone was equal under the law:  white, colored, male, female, young, old, gay, straight...you know, We The People! 
   Go to Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and read the definitions of Liberal and Conservative.  I would point out that under the later, there is no mention of  "we get to decide."

   From the looks of things in Washington and around the country...some of you are going to be in for a big surprise!

   One further point must be mentioned here:  Kavanaugh is not just anti-abortion and anti-gay...he is also in favor of corporate entanglement in our elections and increased pressure to suppress voting rights. 

   But the greatest of his evils is still the wrong-headed thinking of women's - and all minorities - RIGHTS!





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