The "base" is small, but noisy...

Never have so few, done so much evil, to so many
(A Watson Opinion)
   I'm old enough to remember the '56 Chevy, mom's apple pie, and the America Dream.  And those memories stuck with me and most of my friends - minus a few glitches along the way - until recently...about two years ago, to be exact.
   We all woke up one morning late in November 2018 and raced to the television to find out if that frightening news report we saw around midnight was true, or was it just a nightmare.
   It was true, it wasn't a bad dream, and he was the winner!
   It hit most of us like an asteroid.
   Only worse.  An asteroid would have spared us the horrible thoughts and just killed us where we sat.
   Not only must we say "good bye" to the chevy and the pie, but we would learn - in time - to say "so long" to  most any semblance of sweet dreams and fields of daisies.  We were to stagger our way into a world of lies, corruption, bigotry, racism, and whatever serves as the opposite of democracy.  We installed a president who is as incorrigible and incorruptible as anyone we have ever seen - or ever existed in the  forty-four men before him!
   He is called by many as a white nationalist and he very well may be.  It would be easier to prove him so than try to prove him not.
   A former governor from Pennsylvania has said the president's first big mistake was when he cast a large net and drug in "riff-raff" for his inner circle and cabinet heads.  The president promised to "drain the swamp," but it appeared he  not only refilled it with much murkier water, but found much murkier creatures to restock it.
   His opposition party in congress toys with us - and the idea -  of impeachment.  At last count, the special counselor, who is investigating the president and his campaign team's involvement in working with Russians to rig the election, has evidence and convictions on enough of the team to fill a federal prison. 
   Legal beagles, historians, and journalist from the Nixon Watergate fiasco are telling us that this "witch hunt" is much worse.  However, using the term "witch" to describe these folks would force all of us to apologize to witches.
   And that brings us to the president's base.
   They are a small but noisy lot.  They seem to have the president in a full-nelson wrestling hold and know how to apply amazing pressure to get every foolish promise he has made to them (in a moment of narcissistic  grandeur, no doubt) during one of his "rallies." 
   The asinine "wall/barrier/steel fence with spear-like pointy things on top" came to him in  one  of his least lucid moments.
   And because congress wouldn't give him the "wall,"   he decided to shut down the government and  put nearly a million federal workers either out of work or working without pay.  (A dream by his political party's standards, who, by the way, are mostly backing his hair-brained idea."  And the U.S.Government shutdown is approaching thirty days with no end in sight.
   Yup...where was that asteroid when we needed it.


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