Sunday, March 24, 2019

Is It YOUR Country or Is It OUR Country?

An Opinion by John Watson

   The only way to understand what has really happened to us as a nation is to look at it from a place high above the carnage and bloodletting
instead of from the bowels of our political party rhetoric.
   How did we let a man, so narcissistic and so unqualified, to even run for the office of President of the United States in the first place? 
   This office is more than simply the guardian of our "shinning city on the hill," but it is a beacon of hope for other countries as well.  That is not a boastful claim - it is a promise to all who wish to achieve the same freedoms we hold so dear.
   However, as we stumble in our pursuit of finding a new leader, we don't just cause ourselves irreparable harm but we do serious harm to our image in the world. 
   Whether Donald Trump is guilty of impeachable offenses is not yet known, but he is guilty of so many character flaws that the more serious offenses seem secondary.  America has many intelligence agencies to investigate whatever crimes were committed in the attack on our election by an adversarial country.  Also, any crimes that were committed by domestic agents for the president in association with foreign agents will be handled by our FBI and others.

   We know that all of our intelligence agencies are firmly aware of the attacks on our election process.  Nearly 200 domestic charges, some of which have led to indictments, many have been found guilty, and some are now in prison.  We await word on whether they acted alone or were under the direction of our president. 

   But, let's look at what we know for sure.  This president has many serious character flaws that make him unfit for office.  There is no doubt about that because it is on display every time he steps in front of a microphone and television camera. 

   There are many flaws to point out, but here are a few:
   His grotesque style of speaking is that of an uneducated person.  Many refer to him as "buffoonish."
   His truthfulness is severely lacking.  Lies are being fact-checked at an alarming rate: Always daily, and even hourly.

   His narcissistic manner displays an attitude of "everything is about me."  And, "everything must go through me." 
   His attacks on all who would dare question him are menacing.  Comments of being "Childish" or "bullyish" come to mind.
   He refused to turn over his tax returns as all of his predecessors have done.   Many believe there may be serious issues hidden therein.
   He refused to relinquish his business dealings and, instead, turned them over to his children.  Two of his children are also part of his administration, which makes all of his/their dealings stained, or questionable at the very least.

   He has had several private meetings with two of our worst adversaries - Putin of Russia and Un of North Korea - and we have no record of their conversations.  When our House Committee ask for details, the White House stonewalled the request.  Subpoenas will be served next.

   These are serious issues for our country.  They are issues that were beyond the scope of Special Counselor Mueller's field of investigation, but they are not beyond the charges of crimes in the Southern District of New York, and elsewhere.

   They are definitely not beyond the scope of the Legislative Branch of our government, either.

      And, if we approach it like Americans instead of political party animals, they shouldn't be beyond the scope of we, the people, as well!


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