Need We Be Reminded?

   Fellow we need to be reminded of what happened to the Republicans in 2016?
   Remember when they came out from under rocks, gravel piles, and woodwork?  Remember how there were so many they couldn't get them all on one debate stage and had to have a "lesser important" grouping the next night?  Remember how they staged a recasting of the old science fiction movie, "They Eat Their Own" and began chewing up and spitting out their fellow Republicans?
   And worst of all, we remember who won the childish battle of "King of the Hill."  Their cannibalistic melee finally went one opponent too far and they ended up with the "bad seed" still standing. 

   We Democrats have to be so much smarter than that.

   So far, we have a wide selection of presidential candidates from which to choose.  Race, gender, and religion are all on display.  But we must choose carefully, according to who we think can honestly win the general election. 

   To  my thinking, there is even a more important issue to address.  Take a good look at what Trump and his administration has done to America - and to the world.  They have degraded and insulted our allies while heaping praise on our adversaries.  We will have a lot of "cleaning up" to do by our next president and those qualified people with whom he or she will choose to bring into their Cabinet and inner circle.

   This will take someone with people skills to soothe those we have hurt;  someone with solid experience to assure our allies that once again we will always have their back, and someone with a strong will to once again face up to our adversaries.  At home, we will need someone who can show that this country will recognize all of the people - not just the rich and mega-rich few.

   This candidate can not be a "newbie" to America Politics.  They must show wisdom, maturity, stability, and a renewed hope for the "American Dream" that our current administration kicked into the ditch two years ago.

   In short, we need the exact opposite of what we now have in the Oval Office and those scattered throughout the Cabinet Positions and beyond.

   We can't just look for the, we need to look for the solid gold.  We need to bring America back to those things that made her the "Shinning City on the Hill."

   And most of all:  WE NEED TO VOTE!




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