It Stinks To High Places...

   Does anyone find it strange that the president hit the ground running thirty seconds after the Attorney General hung "his version" of the Mueller Report on the wall?
   And it was as if the president knew what was in Attorney General Barr's four-page song sheet of  "for Trump's a jolly good fellow" before anyone else did.
   As of this date, the president swears he has not laid eyes on the Mueller Report, but I find that a bit strange.  Why is he in such a jolly mood?  The Barr report was a masterfully-written job of "cooking the books" that would make Al Capone's money guy green with envy, but what about that nearly 400-page report by Robert Mueller?  Isn't the president even one little bit curious - and worried -  about what's in there?
   Trump is just too darn bubbly.
   Could it mean that what the AG Barr scribbled is all America is going to see?
   Could twenty-two months of investigations by Mueller and his team all be for nothing? 
   Look, umpteen Trump campaign officials are in prison or on their way.  And don't tell me nothing happened when Donny Jr. and others met with Russians in Trump Tower.  Russian oligarchs, military agents, and cyber hackers were indicted by Mueller.  All of our intelligence agencies know that the Russians interfered with our election.  One Trump official was found to have given Russian officials polling information.  And hundreds of other charges, not the least of which was Russia hacking into the Democrat National Committee's computers and emails.
   Nope.  Trump is too damn happy if you ask me.
   The "fix" was in.
   We found out in 19974 that Nixon's cover-ups were even worse than the crimes he committed. 
   So why haven't we remembered that?
   Give the total Mueller Report (minus the national security stuff, of course) to the American People.  It belongs to them - not Trump, not Barr,  and not to the Republicans in Congress!


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