Monday, October 19, 2020


The President's New Medicine Man

The President and many Republicans are pushing a crazy theory called "Herd Immunity."  Actually, it is not only crazy but downright deadly.  Political minds who oppose it can't seem to decide whether the idea sprang from a desperation the GOP finds themselves in, or the president is actually this far off his rocker.

This is how the theory is supposed to work.

"Just lie back in the arms of the dragon" was a saying a good friend of mine used when he was confronted with a tough decision.  It evidently fits the president's present covid-19 agenda perfectly.  The "Trump Infectious Disease Experts" want us to all become infected with coronavirus. When 65% of us are infected, it will mean the herd of infected people will be enough to make us immune. It's really that simple, sick, and deadly.

Let's look at the numbers, which these "experts" have obviously failed to do.  They claim a minimum of 65% of our population must be infected for the program to work. Sixty-five percent of our population of 320,000,000 is 208,000,000 infected people.  The death rate is now at 1 in 116 people infected.  Of the 208,000,000 people infected, we would see 1,793,103 DEATHS with the herd immunity theory.

Now even the most ardent Trump Supporter cannot possibly think that number is acceptable.  

However, the president and his crackpot covid-19 expert, Dr. Atlas, are selling this idea from coast to coast.  We need to remember that Dr. Atlas is a radiologist.  He has had neither training nor experience in infection diseases.  

He has, however, played one on FOX "news."

And that was enough for our president.  He was immediately moved to the White House Coronavirus Task Force and replaced the real, world-famous infectious disease doctor, Dr. Fauci.  

And this is where this insane idea of herd immunity came into existence.  Honest minds can differ slightly on the numbers used to reach the probable deaths through this herd immunity process.  For example, the 1 in 116 deaths from people who become infected is from close tabulations of deaths versus the number that is being reported throughout hospitals across the nation. 

Republicans across America, however, refuse to accept any tabulations, medical records, or anything else.  They even approach the subject with scorn and pessimism.  That, in itself, skews any chance of getting a clear picture of what is going on.

This "experiment" is a horrifying example of the well-known axiom:  "Figures Don't Lie, But Liars Do Figure"

This Herd Immunity is a bunch of bull-poop and the president and his herd of nitwits know it. 

The worst thing about it is this:  Neither the president nor his herd care how many get sick and how many will will die in the process! 



Thursday, October 8, 2020


A "confidence man," or better known as a "con man," is someone who will benefit himself by getting people to believe something that is not true.

They will lie and cheat with impunity. They lie as though they have no soul. They possess no empathy for others.  They are usually narcissistic and in acute cases are pathological liars.  They are selfish to the bone.

They are a rare breed and we can at least be thankful for that.  Seldom, if ever,  do they achieve any level of greatness, except in their own mind.  Their mind dwells in those dark places of corruption and crime.

When such a person - through external forces and interior meddling - does reach a position beyond his capabilities, he becomes an instrument of sheer destruction and a danger to himself and all others.

Such a moment happened on November 8, 2016. 

It has been well documented that Russian hackers played a big part in the 2016 presidential election.  Virtually every governmental intelligence agency has agreed to that fact.  It was the driving force that opened an impeachment trial in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Their final verdict led to impeachment of the president.  It failed, however, to remove him from office in the U. S. Senate due to a highly charged political landscape of majority control by Republicans. Although the country could see the evidence clearly, the Senate GOP put on their blinders, held their noses, and voted to acquit.

And now, four years later, America lives with constant lies and corruption from this president and his administration.  It has not been easy.  He has divided this country like no one ever has.  It has cost us dearly and it will continue until he is finally removed from office.  Even then, he has promised to disregard the election results and refuse to leave office should he lose.  

One can hardly recognize America these days.  Right is Wrong, Left is Right, Up is Down, and Lies are Truth.  

And we have less than thirty days to get our act together and vote.  Vote like your future depends on it...because it does!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Walking Contradiction, Partly Truth and Party Fiction

Dr. Sean Conley, White House Doctor to the President,  just gave the nation and the world a confusing lack of facts about the president's health as he is treated for covid-19 at Walter Reed Hospital. 

True to form, the doctor's briefing was filled with holes.  Earlier this year, the president was rushed to Walter Reed for - well, we weren't told what for.  And, we still don't know what for.  It almost sounded like the president was feeling so great that he was in the hallway doing cartwheels.

Dr. Conley said the president was tested and found positive for Covid-19 more than thirty hours before the American people were informed.  That is important because it could have saved a lot of people from getting too close without masks.  As of an hour ago, we have been informed that there are now three United States Senators  who have tested positive, along with Hope Hick, Kellyanne Conway, the President of Notre Dame, and countless others of Trump's inner circle.  All because of a White House lawn "garden party" to celebrate the happy Republicans who were welcoming another nominee of their own to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Lots of hugs, laughs, and high-fives...and foolish revelers of what became a "super-spreader" of coronavirus.

They wore no masks, such a disgrace, 
spreading their germs all over the place.

And now they are all paying the price.  Including the President, the First Lady, and God only knows who else!

Trump has brought this on all by himself.  He has belittled, downplayed, and outright lied to the American people about the seriousness of this pandemic.  

Last Tuesday evening, during his debate with Joe Biden, he mocked him for "always wearing a mask."  

Trump has never been open with the public about his health or anything that may have cast doubts on his re-election efforts. He is either being devious about the facts or downright dishonest about telling us the truth.

He is not a king.  He is both responsible for - and to -  the American People.  And I doubt he will ever learn this.  But he can rest in his presidential suite at Walter Reed and, hopefully, think about it.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Voter Intimidation is against the law, Mr. President

Many things our current president is doing either borders on terrorism or comes so close it is hard to distinguish the difference. And to add to the horror, he has managed to incite home grown terrorists to further his bidding.  White Supremacists, Racists, Bigots, and any groups looking for a sign of approval from the president are crawling out of their muck and mire for the attention they have always wanted. 

Let me remind everyone that Voter Intimidation is against the law.  I don't know the penalty, but it should be about 300 years at hard labor and then execution.

It is inconceivable that the current President of the United States is guilty of such a horrendous crime, but he is.  The evidence is found by any court reviewing the televised videos of the president saying it during a nationally televised debate on Sept. 29, 2020.  His threats were aimed at how fraudulent the upcoming Nov. 3rd presidential election would be.  His false statements about various election crimes such as dumped ballots, duplicate ballots, and others were meant to scare the hell out of voters.  He keeps repeating that the only way he can lose is through fraud.  In other words, if he loses, it's fraud and if he wins, it was a good election. His continual drumbeat about this "fraudulent election" is grinding on people's nerves and the world is watching our country sinking deeper into oblivion. 

Worst of all, he is building a case that isn't there.

The president's plan to plant fear in the hearts and minds of voters is very real.  It is caustic, alarming, and perhaps the greatest agitation and anxiety is caused by his false expectation or realization of danger ahead.  It will work on voters minds and cause them to refuse to participate in the greatest right they possess. 

This is why Voter Intimidation is so wrong, so evil, and so against the law.

What can we as citizens do about it?  Not much, other than voting him out of office.

What should be done about it?  Every single Republican and Democrat in the United States Senator should march into the Oval Office and tell him the day has come for him to hand in his resignation.  America can tolerate this man no longer!

Unfortunately, there are no other ponderable choices.