Thursday, October 8, 2020


A "confidence man," or better known as a "con man," is someone who will benefit himself by getting people to believe something that is not true.

They will lie and cheat with impunity. They lie as though they have no soul. They possess no empathy for others.  They are usually narcissistic and in acute cases are pathological liars.  They are selfish to the bone.

They are a rare breed and we can at least be thankful for that.  Seldom, if ever,  do they achieve any level of greatness, except in their own mind.  Their mind dwells in those dark places of corruption and crime.

When such a person - through external forces and interior meddling - does reach a position beyond his capabilities, he becomes an instrument of sheer destruction and a danger to himself and all others.

Such a moment happened on November 8, 2016. 

It has been well documented that Russian hackers played a big part in the 2016 presidential election.  Virtually every governmental intelligence agency has agreed to that fact.  It was the driving force that opened an impeachment trial in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Their final verdict led to impeachment of the president.  It failed, however, to remove him from office in the U. S. Senate due to a highly charged political landscape of majority control by Republicans. Although the country could see the evidence clearly, the Senate GOP put on their blinders, held their noses, and voted to acquit.

And now, four years later, America lives with constant lies and corruption from this president and his administration.  It has not been easy.  He has divided this country like no one ever has.  It has cost us dearly and it will continue until he is finally removed from office.  Even then, he has promised to disregard the election results and refuse to leave office should he lose.  

One can hardly recognize America these days.  Right is Wrong, Left is Right, Up is Down, and Lies are Truth.  

And we have less than thirty days to get our act together and vote.  Vote like your future depends on it...because it does!

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