Thursday, October 1, 2020

Voter Intimidation is against the law, Mr. President

Many things our current president is doing either borders on terrorism or comes so close it is hard to distinguish the difference. And to add to the horror, he has managed to incite home grown terrorists to further his bidding.  White Supremacists, Racists, Bigots, and any groups looking for a sign of approval from the president are crawling out of their muck and mire for the attention they have always wanted. 

Let me remind everyone that Voter Intimidation is against the law.  I don't know the penalty, but it should be about 300 years at hard labor and then execution.

It is inconceivable that the current President of the United States is guilty of such a horrendous crime, but he is.  The evidence is found by any court reviewing the televised videos of the president saying it during a nationally televised debate on Sept. 29, 2020.  His threats were aimed at how fraudulent the upcoming Nov. 3rd presidential election would be.  His false statements about various election crimes such as dumped ballots, duplicate ballots, and others were meant to scare the hell out of voters.  He keeps repeating that the only way he can lose is through fraud.  In other words, if he loses, it's fraud and if he wins, it was a good election. His continual drumbeat about this "fraudulent election" is grinding on people's nerves and the world is watching our country sinking deeper into oblivion. 

Worst of all, he is building a case that isn't there.

The president's plan to plant fear in the hearts and minds of voters is very real.  It is caustic, alarming, and perhaps the greatest agitation and anxiety is caused by his false expectation or realization of danger ahead.  It will work on voters minds and cause them to refuse to participate in the greatest right they possess. 

This is why Voter Intimidation is so wrong, so evil, and so against the law.

What can we as citizens do about it?  Not much, other than voting him out of office.

What should be done about it?  Every single Republican and Democrat in the United States Senator should march into the Oval Office and tell him the day has come for him to hand in his resignation.  America can tolerate this man no longer!

Unfortunately, there are no other ponderable choices.

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