The President's New Medicine Man

The President and many Republicans are pushing a crazy theory called "Herd Immunity."  Actually, it is not only crazy but downright deadly.  Political minds who oppose it can't seem to decide whether the idea sprang from a desperation the GOP finds themselves in, or the president is actually this far off his rocker.

This is how the theory is supposed to work.

"Just lie back in the arms of the dragon" was a saying a good friend of mine used when he was confronted with a tough decision.  It evidently fits the president's present covid-19 agenda perfectly.  The "Trump Infectious Disease Experts" want us to all become infected with coronavirus. When 65% of us are infected, it will mean the herd of infected people will be enough to make us immune. It's really that simple, sick, and deadly.

Let's look at the numbers, which these "experts" have obviously failed to do.  They claim a minimum of 65% of our population must be infected for the program to work. Sixty-five percent of our population of 320,000,000 is 208,000,000 infected people.  The death rate is now at 1 in 116 people infected.  Of the 208,000,000 people infected, we would see 1,793,103 DEATHS with the herd immunity theory.

Now even the most ardent Trump Supporter cannot possibly think that number is acceptable.  

However, the president and his crackpot covid-19 expert, Dr. Atlas, are selling this idea from coast to coast.  We need to remember that Dr. Atlas is a radiologist.  He has had neither training nor experience in infection diseases.  

He has, however, played one on FOX "news."

And that was enough for our president.  He was immediately moved to the White House Coronavirus Task Force and replaced the real, world-famous infectious disease doctor, Dr. Fauci.  

And this is where this insane idea of herd immunity came into existence.  Honest minds can differ slightly on the numbers used to reach the probable deaths through this herd immunity process.  For example, the 1 in 116 deaths from people who become infected is from close tabulations of deaths versus the number that is being reported throughout hospitals across the nation. 

Republicans across America, however, refuse to accept any tabulations, medical records, or anything else.  They even approach the subject with scorn and pessimism.  That, in itself, skews any chance of getting a clear picture of what is going on.

This "experiment" is a horrifying example of the well-known axiom:  "Figures Don't Lie, But Liars Do Figure"

This Herd Immunity is a bunch of bull-poop and the president and his herd of nitwits know it. 

The worst thing about it is this:  Neither the president nor his herd care how many get sick and how many will will die in the process! 




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