Monday, February 12, 2024

Do Not Go Gently. . .


"Do not go gently into that good night.

Rage, Rage against the dying of the light."



On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, we will vote for a president. If the last presidential election taught us anything, it was to heed the words of Dylan Thomas, a Welsh poet, that we must "not go gentle into that good night" with our eyes closed and impervious to the demons among us. 

Those demons of MAGA intentions and Republican inventions are primed and ready to leave our democracy in the dust and venture into an autocratic form of government where they can - and will -  rule over all! Rules and freedoms will change like they have been telling us for months. There will no longer be equal branches of government. The Executive Branch will rule over the Judicial and Legislative Branch. Trump has promised it. All voting laws will be rewritten. Election workers will serve under the MAGA supervisors. There will be continuous threats of bodily harm to all who defy the new rules handed down to election workers and officials. 

There is only one thing to consider as you vote this year:  If the MAGA crowds are successful, your wishes for America will no longer have any relevance. We will have but two choices:  Accept the MAGA movement or fight like hell to remove them from our government. 

We must rage against the prospect of a loss to our democracy - "The dying of our "light."

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