Sunday, February 18, 2024

The GOP is rootin' for Putin. . .

"Is it wrong to root for Russia. . . I say NYET!  I'm rootin' for Putin!

The political right's internal debate whether its time to buy the engagement ring for Vladimir Putin is coming to a serious point in the relationship.

Former President Trump is urging the U.S. House Speaker Johnson to get a vote to cut aid to Ukraine once and for all. As a follow-up to that, Trump would then encourage Putin to attack NATO counties that didn't pay enough. To assist, Tucker Carlson then set about what was effectively a pro-Russian propaganda tour in which he downplayed Putin's killing of political opponents; and when news was reported that top Putin opposition leader Alexei Navalny died in prison, it was mostly ignored by the Trump side of the family. 

It is interesting to note that after it was widely reported that Russia had heavily engaged in the 2016 Presidential  race (in favor of Trump) the GOP Party's popularity dramatically increased

Some GOP members of Congress will show kindness to Putin when they need votes from the folks back home, some will openly tout him at every chance, and a few will show little-to- no favoritism for the Russian dictator. 

The point to it is this:  Republican politicians don't give a damn what they say, as long as it gets them - and Trump - elected again!

And that is sick, treasonist, anti-American, and should ban them from ever running for office again!

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