Thursday, February 8, 2024

Just "hanging around" and waiting for Nellie's big idea. . .

 I received a call from an old newspaper friend today. We had worked together in the newspaper business thirty-some years ago. She was the best reporter on the entire west coast!

Nellie always had a flair about her that made you go straight to her column every morning.  Not many could match her to-the-point style of working. She was honest, accurate, and called "a spade a goddamn shovel!"

She's still plugging away on her keyboard, staying "on deadline," and agitating the hell out of corrupt conservatives of the world. 

Her "news beat" has not changed much.  She is true to her goal of getting rid of Trump from our lives, our minds, and our nation. . . at nearly any cost. Nellie's obsession is very much like what is driving 84% of Americans out of their minds.

She sent a photo of herself (pictured above) as she spends her time off in her home office. Nellie has come up with some great new ideas on how to rid the world of Donnie.

This one should be a winner.

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