Saturday, March 15, 2014

Send in the Clowns...

As the song goes..."send in the clowns."  Well, now might be the time to point out that we really didn't mean it, Tea Party Montana! Along with your weird maneuver to get your folks on the Democratic Ballot, there is another bone I have to pick with you.
We applaud your interest in cutting spending in order to reduce our taxes, but maybe there are a few things you have overlooked.  You seem to have a strong urge to throw out the baby with the bath water, as it were.
Consider just a couple of nasty little annoyances your absolute and undiluted drive to eliminate has created.
One out of five children in Montana suffers the pangs of hunger.  In this day and age, such a thing is inconceivable in this great state.  How do we go to sleep at night, knowing this horror exists?  Step out onto the street and count out five children...chances are one of those kids will go to sleep very hungry tonight. Your party fought hard and voted to make sure there will be less food and services available. Nice work.
More than 70,000 Montanans have no health insurance.  That means they are not getting proper health care, as a result.  Again, how do you justify this in a country like America?  Your Tea Party Legislators voted to not accept the federally funded Medicaid Extension program in Montana. That program would have insured those people who, by the way, include a large percentage of children.  We are one of only five states that allowed that to happen.  And yes, the other four were controlled by your political party, also.
Tea Party activists do not have a monopoly on fighting wasteful spending by our politicians. But we have to fight this with a level of intelligence.  There are issues that must be taken care of, if for no other reason than pure human decency. If it is your idea to just stand up and vote "No" on everything, then it is our idea that you don't stand up for anything! 
Your "Party of NO" is shunned and ridiculed for a very good reason. Take a hint...or take a hike!

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