Friday, March 14, 2014

The Amazing Maneuver...

Those crazy, fun-loving, aristocrats of mayhem that go by the handle of "Montana Tea Party" have come up with another oddball move to get elected.
They just insist on proving the theory that if you can't get into the Montana Legislature playing by the just make new ones.  Some Tea Party Nitwit came up with the idea of placing their name on the Democratic Primary Ballot.  Others, of course, thought this was so neat, they followed suit.
Now, I'm no attorney so I can only assume a real one has already checked this out and found it legal.  In this day and age, however, we seldom know exactly what is legal until it has survived the ruling of a judge and/or jury.
Ethical is another matter.  The best guess for their strange deployment of Tea Party Troops to the Left Flank is to run against other Republicans who they perceive as much too moderate or - horror of horrors - too liberal.
Beyond that strategy, I am at a complete loss as to what they have in mind.  In order to carry this idiotic tactic to a conclusion, it would appear to me that they have their hearts and minds believing that they can beat both Republicans and Democrats in the Primary and General Elections!
Let's face it...Tea Party intellect has not raised the IQ level of modern politics one teensy-weensy bit, and this amazing maneuver has probably knocked them down even further.
As they say...stay tuned.  It's going to be a very bumpy ride!

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